Summary offers consumer tax preparation and electronic filling. We include all the features that the biggest names provide but at half the cost to consumers. Our commission starts at 40% plus affiliates earn $1.40 commission on all free tax fillings.


Attribution Period (Cookie Length)

120 Days


Policy Definition Yes No Additional Information
If publishers promote you via PPC, will they be entitled to full commission?
If publishers directly link to your website from search engines, will they receive full commission?
If publishers use your brand name in their display URL, will they receive full commission?
If publishers use your brand name in their paid search title and description, will they receive full commission?
If publishers add your brand name into their negative keyword list, will they receive full commission?
If publishers display their ads when your brand name or variations of your brand name are entered as search keywords, will they receive full commission? (e.g. vodafone, voda fone)
If publishers display their ads when misspellings of your brand name are entered as search keywords will they receive full commission? (e.g. vodofone)No bidding on the keywords "", "e-file com" or "". Bidding on keywords such as "e-file", "efile" or "e-filing" is allowed as long as affiliate ads do not appear above the merchant's own ads.
If publishers display their ads when your brand name and another word are entered as search keywords, will they receive full commission? (e.g. Vodafone Mobile)No bidding on keywords including "" without prior approval. Bidding on keywords such as "e-file tax returns" (keywords using e-file without the ".com") are allowed as long as affiliate ads do not appear above the merchant's own ads.
Do you have a restricted group of publishers who can earn commission on sales generated by brand related terms?
For any agreed publisher paid search activity, will publishers be paid for sales generated from the following search engines?
Are there any specific search terms (keywords) where sales from publisher PPC ads will not be eligible to earn commissionNo bidding on the keywords "", "e-file com", "", "", "irsextension com", or ""