Park Grand London Hotels

Park Grand London Hotels

Terms and Conditions

Programme Terms & Conditions:

To participate in Park Grand London Hotels affiliate programme, the below terms and conditions apply. Park Grand London Hotels has the right to terminate participation from any affiliate if these terms are not adhered to by the affiliate; by participating, you are agreeing and bound to these terms.

1.      Website Requirements

  1. Website must be live and fully operational
  2. An acceptable Privacy policy must be published/displayed on your website.
  3. Inappropriate content cannot be displayed on the web site, the following is deemed inappropriate; this is not an exhaustive list, Park Grand London Hotels has the right to terminate any site which is found to be inappropriate at any time:
  • Hate/offensive/violent content
  • rude/pornographic content
  • Extreme religious or political content
  • Aesthetically unpleasing content
  • Abusive or irresponsible promotion of Alcohol, Tobacco or Drugs
  • Use of the word "sex" gratuitously or excessively
  • Content aimed at children
  • Gambling, firearms, games of chance, and lotteries
  • Park Grand London Hotels does not pay cashback to consumers, unless specific agreement has been made. Any affiliate found to be operating on a cashback basis under the Park Grand London Hotels affiliate program will be terminated unless prior consent has been given.


2. Advertising terms and conditions

  • You can use the Park Grand London Hotels logo on your site, but you must not amend it in any way. You will find a selection of the brand logos available once you have signed up to the programme.
  • CLOSED PPC POLICY. Affiliates are not permitted to bid on any keyword that contains the name or misspelt name, of any of the Park Grand London Hotels portfolio of brands.
  • Brand bidding is not allowed. Affiliates are not allowed to bid on the keyword "Park Grand London Hotels", misspellings or combinations on any search engines.
  • Affiliates MUST NOT register, buy or use domains including any brand names pertaining to Park Grand London Hotels, misspellings and/or variations. 
  • Affiliates MUST NOT create a website that impersonates Park Grand London Hotels website.
  • Affiliates MUST NOT register/buy or use domains that users may believe are part of Park Grand London Hotels 
  • Closed keyword-marketing policy.


3. Commission

  • If you join you will earn commission on a qualifying transaction, which is a valid hotel booking made on This must be within the 30 days cookie period and your link must be the last one used to direct the customer to make their booking on
  • You will earn commission on completed stay for bookings made on only stays that have been checked out will be paid commission for
  •  The general commission structure for the programme is as follows:

Park Grand London Heathrow - 12%

Park Grand London Kensington - 12%

Park Grand London Hyde Park - 12%

Park Grand Paddington Court London - 12%

Park Grand London Lancaster Gate - 12%

The Devonshire - 12%

  • Commissions are paid on the net base sales amount for accommodation, excluding taxes.  Additional charges for food and beverage services, as well as for any other additional services (F&B, laundry, etc.), are excluded.  Please note that commissions are only paid after the customer has completed their stay, therefore in the event of a cancellation no cashback will be awarded. We only pay commissions for completed hotel stays.
  • website users benefit from an online booking engine, an automated booking confirmation email with a unique booking reference number, as well as user friendly booking modification and cancellation options.
  • As an affiliate you receive your commission payments through the affiliate network.
  • You will not earn commission on:
  1. Additional booking fees.
  2. If the transaction is not made through the booking engine.
  3. If the transaction is completed offline through our call centres.
  4. If the transaction is generated by a link that does not contain the correct tracking code.
  5. If the booking is cancelled within the month of transaction.
  6. If the booking is made via a PPC using branded keywords.


4. Validation

The following rate types are not commissionable under any circumstances:

  • Negotiated rates such as group tour, corporate rates
  • Park Grand London Hotels Loyalty Programme Members rates (Premier Club Rewards)
  • Redemption bookings
  • Bookings that are made in conjunction with another offer


5. E-mail marketing

You are required to have consent from Park Grand London Hotels before any email marketing can be done; this applies to emails where entire email content, or substantial part of the email content, is related to any of the portfolio of Park Grand London Hotels