The Publisher will not engage in any regulated general insurance activities relating to such introductions, which include but are not limited to: -
- Giving advice on a particular insurance product.
- Providing quotations to a Client.
- Collecting premiums or handling any monies in connection with any insurance transacted by the Advertiser.
- Completing or helping a Client to complete a proposal for insurance or collecting any information necessary to do so.
- Will not hold themselves out as an agent of the Company or as being regulated by the FCA to introduce business.
- Will not handle any Client communications (written, verbal or electronic) regarding any general insurance products and will request that the Client redirect any such communications immediately to the Advertiser.
- Will not display any insurance literature other than brochures and other general information provided by the Advertiser.
- Providing advice or opinions in relation to any claim or potential claim.
- Providing advice or response in relation to any complaint.
- Recommending or specifically not recommending any particular insurance policy or provider.