
As a specialist travel insurance comparison site, we’re all about helping people with pre-existing medical conditions access cover they can count on. Our specialist panel of 30 providers ensures customers get the best quotes, including cover for COVID-19.


Attribution Period (Cookie Length)

30 Days


The Publisher will not engage in any regulated general insurance activities relating to such introductions, which include but are not limited to: -

  1. Giving advice on a particular insurance product.
  2. Providing quotations to a Client.
  3. Collecting premiums or handling any monies in connection with any insurance transacted by the Advertiser.              
  4. Completing or helping a Client to complete a proposal for insurance or collecting any information necessary to do so.
  5. Will not hold themselves out as an agent of the Company or as being regulated by the FCA to introduce business.
  6. Will not handle any Client communications (written, verbal or electronic) regarding any general insurance products and will request that the Client redirect any such communications immediately to the Advertiser.
  7. Will not display any insurance literature other than brochures and other general information provided by the Advertiser.
  8. Providing advice or opinions in relation to any claim or potential claim.
  9. Providing advice or response in relation to any complaint.
  10. Recommending or specifically not recommending any particular insurance policy or provider.