Summary is an insurance comparison service with its main focus in the niche B2C & B2B insurance sectors. First launching in 2013 our aim was to try and save the customer money by providing a true, transparent and fair service


Attribution Period (Cookie Length)

30 Days


Policy Definition Yes No Additional Information
Does the transaction value that commissions are paid on include VAT / sales tax?
Does the transaction value that commissions are paid on include delivery charges?
Does the transaction value that commissions are paid on include credit card fees?
Does the transaction value that commissions are paid on include gift wrapping or other service charges?
Are commissions not paid out on some products or product categories?
What reasons are commissions declined?
Order cancelledIf the customer who requested a quote, request us to cancel the call back or doesn't want a call anymore, this would be a rejected lead
Item was returnedIf the customer asked for the lead data to be deleted before a call back to a broker rejected the due to either, a duplicate lead, false lead, test lead, fake lead, wrong telephone numbers
Customer failed credit check
Breach of programme terms and conditions
Duplicate orderThis is where a lead comes in via your link or website, however, that same customer had already requested a quote via another publisher or our own websites direct, whoever lead come in first would be credited with the lead price.
Item was out of stock
OtherFake leads, false leads, test leads, wrong telephone, duplicate leads would all be rejected and no CPL would be paid.