Professional Building Supplies

Professional Building Supplies

Terms and Conditions


The rule of we/it's - Professional Building Supplies is a singular entity, therefore: 
✅"Professional Building Supplies is a specialist supplier..."
❌NOT "Professional Building Supplies are a specialist supplier..."
✅"Professional Building Supplies supplies customers..."
❌NOT "Professional Building Supplies supply customers..."
✅"Professional Building Supplies has..."
❌NOT "Professional Building Supplies have..."

When it's "we":
✅"We believe..."
✅"We think..."
✅"At Professional Building Supplies, we are totally focused..."

No Apostrophe 'S'- Never modify "Professional Building Supplies" to be possessive - keep us singular:
✅"The Professional Building Supplies systems are..."
❌NOT "Professional Building Supplies' systems are..."

✅Use words for numbers one to ten, e.g. "The two Professional Building Supplies founders..."
✅Use numerics for 11 and above with a unit of measurement, e.g. "Professional Building Supplies offer more than 30 different ranges of PVC guttering..."


Our primary typeface is GOTHAM, which comes in a number of designs, but we use the following three weights:

GOTHAM BLACK - used primarily for headers and large text
GOTHAM - used for sub-headings
GOTHAM LIGHT - used for body copy
To use the Gotham Font Family on your computer, please download from the following link:!AshSOetOhFjEhpdsi0A_ouRsjPk00Q?e=Nmt8Zl


Please see the Brand Guidelines on our ‘Documents’ tab for details of colours associated with our brand.