

Terms and Conditions

Validation Criteria

Please note we do not accept or pay for RTA or Stress leads.

All call and contact form enquiries will be tracked and reported via the Awin interface.

All qualified enquiries will be validated by First4Lawyers within 14 days. We will attempt to validate all enquiries as soon as possible and in many cases this may be before the max 14 day period.


URL and ad copy restrictions

Affiliates cannot use the brand name within their domain name e.g.

However affiliates can use our brand name in their subdomain or directory folder e.g.



Affiliates are allowed to deeplink to pages they deem relevant however in order to ensure the activity tracks please ensure you check with your account manager before use.

Also, when creating deep-links for this programme, please ensure you use the Link Builder tool within the UI. We cannot guarantee enquiries will track if links are made individually and without the Link Builder tool.


Use of loyalty sites

Cashback & Loyalty sites are welcome to promote First4Lawyers subject to initial approval by account manager.


Use of voucher code sites

Vouchercode/Discount code sites are permitted to promote First4Lawyers however any offers or codes displayed must be currently valid. Any expired offers/codes must be clearly marked.


Use of email affiliates

If you wish to engage in any email activity please seek prior permission from the account manager.


PPC Policy

No brand bidding is allowed on any brand term, brand+generic or misspells of the brand term, unless agreed with Awin and the account manager. When joining the programme please ensure you negatively match the pure brand term, brand+generic or misspells of the brand. If you are found to be bidding on these terms continually we will suspend you from the programme.


Use of exclusive offers/vouchercodes

Affiliates are not allowed to use a voucher code unless it has been specifically provided to them. Unauthorised use of voucher codes or offers may result in commissions being reversed.


Toolbar Affiliates

First4Lawyers does not work with toolbar affiliates, or allow any affiliates to publish or promote our offers in toolbars or other pop-ups, whether they effect the First4Lawyers customer on-site journey or not.