SC Nutra

SC Nutra

Terms and Conditions

  • Affiliates are allowed to use the Sweet Cures Limited brand names listed below to describe the products or company within any written content. 
  • Using the brand names within Google Ads & Bing Ads pay per click advertising is strictly forbidden.
  • Other search engines may be considered for pay per click, upon direct application. 
  • Copying written content from our website is strictly prohibited. However, we actively encourage affiliates to write reviews or related content about our products and are happy to help affiliates where possible in creating quality and mutually beneficial  content. 
  • Product images from our websites can be used by affiliates; however stock images must not be used. If stock images are required, affiliates must acquire a licence to use individual image from stock websites such as iStock.
  • When publishing content in any location, please be very careful to follow the strict  guidelines as set out by both the MHRA and ASA. 
  • Reward Points Discount voucher codes starting with an ‘SC' will not receive affiliate commission.


SC Nutra Brands


- Sweet Cures®

- SC Nutra®

- Waterfall D-Mannose®

- High Energy D-Ribose™

- ®UniBac

- Quickly Test™ UTI test 5V®

- Xylotene®

- L-Arabinose Plus™

- DMannose Pet™

- Wild Oregano Oil C80®