Please refer to the "Dulux UK General Programme Terms & Conditions" document in the first instance.
Note: Commissions are only paid on direct, tracked referrals which result in a transaction completed on Purchases made through the Dulux Visualizer App are NOT currently tracked/commissionable.
Note: if a customer blocks cookies from serving on our website, then our analytics wont track their order and we wont be able to validate their claim.
Note: this programme is intended for B2C advertisers selling to retail customers. If your website/activity is B2B targeting trade decorators, then you should apply to the Dulux Decorator Centre affiliate programme (#16263)
Note:we would like to highlight our de-duplication policy; the most common reason for rejecting a commission claim is when a customer has come to our site via our PPC advertising, as sales are attributed to the last-click paid referrer. This is especially important for cashback sites which is where most issues arise. Please can you state in your terms & conditions (where applicable) that to avoid disappointment, customers should proceed direct to our site to shop, having clicked on a Dulux affiliate link.