Burton offers Affiliates:
- 5% commission on both new and existing customer sales, and 1% commission for sales made via the app (excluding pp charges & VAT)
- 30 Day Cookies
- Dedicated Account Manager
- Updated product feeds
- Industry Sized Banners
- Affiliate newsletter with tips, news and the latest offers.
“New Customer" means an individual who has not accessed their Burton account or made a purchase from Burton within the last 3 years.
By joining the Burton’ Affiliate Programme, you (the ‘Affiliate’) agree to the following terms as updated from time to time.
In the event there is a separate agreement between yourself and Burton, the terms of that agreement will supersede these terms.
You agree to adhere to all relevant laws in the promotion of Burton.
You agree that your social media content will be compliant with the advertising standards and policies maintained by the ASA (https://www.asa.org.uk/news/influencer-marketing-key-advice-resources.html). In particular, you must use ‘#ad’ to distinguish all affiliated content.
Voucher Codes
You agree to adhere to the new guidelines from the Internet Advertising Bureau Affiliate Marketing Council (IABAMC) regarding voucher codes, in particular:
- You must not use "Click to Reveal" when there is no valid or current code present (i.e. to reveal deals, offers, or sales instead of vouchers).
- You must clearly detail the voucher offer that will be revealed when an individual clicks “Click to Reveal”.
- A valid code is a code that has been legitimately issued by Burton for use by affiliates and not a code that has been issued to consumers direct. It will have an activation date and a deactivation date.
- Voucher code directories must contain clear categorisation and separation between deals, offers, sales and discount codes.
- You agree to only promote voucher codes that have either been communicated to you directly or added the Awin UI. Burton reserves the right to decline commission on any sales promoted using unauthorised codes.
You agree to keep all information discussed as part of the Burton’ Affiliate Programme confidential including the details of the relationship and commission earned.
Site Content
You warrant that your affiliate content will not contain and/or facilitate illegal activity, discriminatory or hateful content, pornographic content, religious content, political content, the offering of financial products or services, or the abusive or irresponsible promotion of gambling, alcohol, tobacco, or drugs.
Intellectual property
You agree not to misrepresent Burton with misleading offers or by masking the website as your own. You agree that all intellectual property is owed by Burton and that upon termination of the relationship you no longer you will remove any Burton trademarks and logos.
If your content breaches the intellectual property rights of any third party, you agree to indemnify Burton for any resulting legal action.
You agree to provide Burton with a breakdown of publishers generating activity (influencer network and subnetwork). If this is something you cannot provide, we will not be able to accept you onto the Burton’ Affiliate Programme.
Site Scraping
You agree not to scrape the website.
Cookieless Voucher Tracking
Burton uses voucher code attribution for selected voucher code partners. This means that the transaction and commission is awarded to the publisher with the exclusive code. When the voucher is used, transactions will be tracked whether a click has happened or not.
Validations Process
All commissions will be validated on an up to 90-day period. Burton reserves the right to decline commission on all returned goods.
All affiliate sales are de-duplicated against other online advertising channels using a local cookie on the merchant platform on a last marketing click basis.
Paid Media Policy
You agree not to carry out any PPC search activity directing traffic to Burton except by special arrangement.
If you generate traffic to your own sites, you agree not to:
a. Use ‘Burton’ in the sub folder of the display URL (e.g. www.affiliate.com/Burton).
b. Use ‘Burton’ in the subdomain of the display URL (e.g. www. Burton.affiliate.com)
c. Use ‘Burton’ or a misspelling of ‘Burton’ in the display URL (e.g. www.SBurton.com or www.Buurton.com)
d. Use ‘Burton’ in the ad title
e. Bid on ‘Burton’ or any brand sold via Burton marketplace.
f. Bid on misspellings or extensions of ‘Burton’
g. Bid on ‘Burton’ alongside generic terms (e.g. “Burton Shoes”)
h. Bid on Burton’s URL (www. Burton.com)
i. Show adverts on competitors’ brands
For avoidance of doubt, you can use ‘Burton’ in the ad text.
‘Burton’ and common misspellings should be added as negative terms to all affiliate paid search campaigns.
Social Media Policy
Affiliates are not allowed to register the ‘Burton’ or any variation of it on any social media platform.
Web Domain Policy
You must not purchase, own, or bid on any domain names with the word ‘Burton’ or any misspellings.
Burton reserves the right to terminate this agreement at any time, without reason, by providing you with 7 days’ notice.
If you breach these terms, Burton reserves the right to suspend you from the Burton’ Affiliate Programme immediately, and to decline any pending commission generated for the duration of the breach taking place.