Discount Golf Store

Discount Golf Store

Terms and Conditions

Discount Golf Store Affiliate Program Details

Commission on sales - 8% Standard Sales, 3% on Electric Trolleys and 2% when a voucher code is used (0% when a sale is made through finance)
Cookie Period - 30 Days
Product Feed - Yes and updated regularly
AOV - £128

PPC Policy 

Discount Golf Store does not allow affilaites to bid on brand or brand plus voucher terms without written consent directly from Discount Golf Store.

Voucher Code Policy

Discount Golf Store will allocate codes, both generic and exclusive, from time to time. Affiliates may only promote voucher codes issued directly by Fuel Communications, Discount Golf Store or Awin directly. Where a sale is found using a voucher code not allocated to the affiliate channel, we reserve the right to decline commission on that sale. 


To find out more about the programe and work more closely with us, please contact :-

Seve Catindig-Stagg
Email -
Phone - 01752 426333
Skype - seve191187