Summary is a leading online retailer of designer perfumes and cosmetics. Because we buy in bulk our prices are always very competitive, and our products are guaranteed to be genuine and of the highest quality.


Attribution Period (Cookie Length)

30 Days


Perfume Shopping Affiliate Programme is a leading online retailer of designer perfumes and cosmetics. Because we buy in bulk our prices are always very competitive, and our products are guaranteed to be genuine and of the highest quality.

We strive to provide the best on-line buying experience possible and take pride in our customer care policies.

Average Order Size: £24.03

Site Conversion Rate (Last Month): 3.75%

Launch Incentive: Our launch incentive is 7% across the board.

Commission Rates:

5% - Starting rate.

[Cashback/Voucher code/discount sites will remain at a commission rate of 5%.]

Cookie Period: 28 days