We ask that any PPC campaigns used to promote PerfumeShopping.com do not use the terms “PerfumeShopping”, “PerfumeShopping.com”, “Perfume Shopping” or any iterations or misspellings thereof.
Promotional codes and Voucher codes
From time to time we may issue promotional discount codes / voucher codes (a “Code”). Each Discount Code will have its own specific terms and will invalidate commission unless specifically stated otherwise. The following general terms will also apply:
- Codes cannot be used in conjunction with any other discount, promotion or on sale items;
- Codes cannot be used to purchase gift vouchers;
- Codes can be transferred to family and friends.
- Codes are only valid for use on the Perfume Shopping Website and not in any other stores or websites;
- We reserve the right to withdraw any Code from use at any time without prior notification and at our sole discretion.
- There is no cash alternative for the Code.
- If cancelling an order placed using a Code, the value of the Code will not be refunded.
- Codes must be entered when you checkout and cannot be used at a later time if you fail to do so.
Are All the Products Genuine?
All of our products are 100% genuine. We only stock branded items and do not deal in imitations. We are an established firm who have been dealing in perfumes and aftershaves for over 10 years.
Are links to other sites affiliates of yours?
Certain links, including hypertext links, in this site will lead you to web sites or pages that are not under the control of PerfumeShopping.com. Links are provided for convenience and inclusion of any link does not apply endorsements in any way of the site to which it links.
All design, text and the selection or arrangement thereof are the copyright of PerfumeShopping.com. All images and graphics used on the site are protected by copyright. Permission is granted to electronically copy and print in hard copy portions of this site for the sole purpose of placing an order with PerfumeShopping.com or browsing or using this site as a shopping resource. Any other use of materials on this site (including reproduction for purposes other than those noted above and alteration, modification, distribution, or republication) without the prior written permission of PerfumeShopping.com is strictly prohibited.
Intellectual Property
PerfumeShopping.com Limited is the owner of the PerfumeShopping.com domain names and other intellectual property rights. All other trade marks, product names and company names or logos cited herein are the property of PerfumeShopping.com or their respective owners. No permission is given by PerfumeShopping.com to use any of these marksintellectual property rights, get-up, product names, company names, logos or titles and any use may constitute an infringement of the owner's rights.
Applicable law
These terms and conditions shall be governed and construed in accordance with English Law and the English courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction to resolve any disputes arising between us. If any provision of these terms and exclusions shall be unlawful, void or for any reason unenforceable (including any provision in which we exclude our liability to you) then that provision shall be deemed severable and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions.
Perfumeshopping.com has no affiliation or association with the Perfume Shop in the UK