We are a Mail Order Bedding Plant Nursery based in Jersey selling a full year-round range of Jersey grown bedding plants, shrubs and bulbs across the UK suitable for any types of gardening, direct to the customer’s door.
Gardening Direct’s speciality is bedding plants. We have two main seasons, spring and autumn, but also have winter and Christmas product offerings which provide our customers with a year-round product offering.
Spring, the longer of the two seasons, is mainly promoted from October through May, however, the heavy promotion starts in January and continues right through to May. Our range for the spring season consists of over 200 different products and gives our customers a wide range of plants to choose from.
Autumn, the smaller of the two main seasons but busy all the same is promoted from May to end of September. The product range will consist of a similar number of products and offer our customers a full range of bedding plants, shrubs, perennials and trees.
We also have a Winter range, consisting of shrubs, bulbs and roses. This can be promoted from September onwards at the same time as the early Spring promotion.
Gardening Direct Affiliate Programme Details
Commission - New Customers 10% | New Customers Voucher 8% | New Machinery 3% | Existing 5% | Existing Voucher 3% | Existing Machinery 5%
Cookie - 30 Days
AOV (2024) - £45
PPC Policy:- Please note that affiliate must not bid on our trademark such as by using the terms: Gardening Direct or any other variant including our trademark on any PPC engine such as Google AdWords. Any affiliate found bidding on our trademark will be suspended without notice and no commission earned will be validated. Also, any affiliate setting the target URL for their PPC ads to https://www.gardeningdirect.co.uk/ will be suspended without notice and no commission earned will be validated.
Voucher Code Policy:- Please note that affiliates may only use voucher codes that are available through Gardening Direct affiliate programme, or those that have been issued directly by Gen3 Marketing or AWIN. Where an affiliate is found promoting a code that has not been issued by Gen3 Marketing or AWIN we reserve the right to decline commissions. Continued use of unauthorised codes will result in programme suspension.
Gen3 Marketing Contact
Name: - Ellie Inman
Email: - gardeningdirect@gen3marketing.com
Phone: - 01752 727854