Does the transaction value that commissions are paid on include VAT / sales tax? | | | |
Does the transaction value that commissions are paid on include delivery charges? | | | |
Does the transaction value that commissions are paid on include credit card fees? | | | We don't show credit card fees separately so commissions are based on the full premium paid less Insurance Tax. |
Does the transaction value that commissions are paid on include gift wrapping or other service charges? | | | |
Are commissions not paid out on some products or product categories? | | | We do not pay out commission on the IPT (insurance premium tax) component of any sale. |
What reasons are commissions declined? |
Order cancelled | | | There is a 14 day cooling off period as stipulated by the FCA and the EU directive for financial services. Any sale cancelled within this period will not be paid commission. |
Item was returned | | | There is a 14 day cooling off period as stipulated by the FCA and the EU directive for financial services. Any sale cancelled within this period will not be paid commission. |
Customer failed credit check | | | We do not credit check. But will decline commissions if a customer disputes the transaction with the card processing company. |
Breach of programme terms and conditions | | | |
Duplicate order | | | |
Item was out of stock | | | |
Other | | | |