
Join our affiliate program for toys, games, gifts, car accessories, pet products, gadgets, lighting, garden, and fitness gear. Earn great commission per sale with free UK shipping.


Attribution Period (Cookie Length)

30 Days


Terms Agreement

Please note anyone found contravening these T&C’s may have their commissions declined and face suspension from the programme. In extreme circumstances brand reserve the right to immediately suspend any affiliates found contravening these terms and conditions, declining any commissions accrued from the activity.


Disputed transactions

Affiliates must raise commission queries via the Brand Affiliate Team within seven days of an expected payment.


Coupons and Promotional Codes and Voucher Code Websites

Publishers may only use voucher/promo codes provided exclusively through the AWIN account program.  If you are found to be promoting unauthorised discount codes, commissions will be withheld and you may risk suspension from the Brand Affiliate Program. Codes supplied directly to an affiliate are authorised only for their use.

Where voucher codes are issued with an expiry date this should be clearly displayed and codes should be removed or explicitly marked as expired after this date, unless you are advised otherwise. Any affiliates displaying expired codes without marking them as being expired may be suspended from the programme. Please also ensure that you observe all voucher code best practice guidelines within your territory. 


Publisher Site Content

If your site contains, or includes any of the following, you will not be eligible to join the brand affiliate programme and/or may be removed:

  • Hate/offensive/violent content
  • Extreme religious or political content
  • Any general activity that is deemed criminal within the law of your territory. 



Any transactions that are not from an AWIN affiliate publisher will not be paid commission. If there is more than one publisher introducing clicks, it is generally the “last click referrer” that will be paid commission. This is at the discretion of Sovibo. 


Branding Guidelines

You must request permission from Sovibo for the use of its logos, website, images or content to be used in any of your marketing strategies. Consent can be obtained by contacting and include your publisher ID. 


Paid Search Activity

Sovibo operates a strict policy on PPC Activity. The following types of keywords are restricted for use in any paid search activity of affiliates on the campaign:

  • Brand: Sovibo
  • Extended brand: Sovibo Toys, Sovibo Gadgets, Sovibo Tech, Sovibo Home, Sovibo Garden
  • Misspellings: e.g. Soveyebo, Sovibow, etc. 


Domain Restrictions

Affiliates must not use any domain owned by Sovibo for PPC linking without written permission.

Affiliates must not register domains which are similar or misspellings of the Sovibo brand. Any activity of this kind will result in commissions being declined.

The use of the domain and variations is strictly forbidden in any ad copy, including display URL, and the use of the term “official site” in your ad copy is forbidden.

Affiliates wishing to promote Sovibo through search engine marketing via a landing page should first contact the account management team to discuss this. PPC affiliates applying to the Sovibo programme without discussing their promotion first may find that their application is declined and/or commissions being declined.