1ink.com (US)

1ink.com (US)

Program Terms

Thank you for promoting 1ink with your Affiliate Window links.

Marketing Policies:

* Please note that some 1ink coupon codes are commissioned at a lower rate. 

 * You may not bid on any of our trademarked terms, including any variations or misspellings thereof – 1ink, 1ink.com, www.1ink.com, 1ink coupon, 1ink promo code, etc. You may not use our trademark terms in sequence with any other keyword (e.g. 1Ink Coupon).  Please do not bid on our competitor trademarks including but not limited to 4inkjets.com123inkjets.cominkcartridges.com and ldproducts.com.

 * Prohibited SEM Display URL Content - 1Ink.com or variations of the 1Ink trademarked term

 * Prohibited SEM Ad Copy Content - 1ink

 * Publishers may only use coupons and promotional codes that are provided exclusively through the affiliate program

 * If you use email to advertise 1ink, you must blacklist these email addresses: chmage0-earn4youth@yahoo.com, charles_haeussinger@live.com, charles.haeussinger_legalaffairs@outlook.com, 18na@yahoo.com, na4x@yahoo.com, 0bc9@yahoo.com, rcanderson@charter.net, jlcapp1931@roadrunner.com, jlittmn@yahoo.com

If you have any questions regarding marketing the 1ink brand, please feel free to contact us at accountmanager@1ink.com