Hoppa UK

Hoppa UK

Terms and Conditions

We are the world’s no 1 specialist in smooth, reliable ground transportation. Hoppa compares 1,000s of transport providers from around the world daily, to get our customers where they need to go. Whether at home or abroad, with choices of taxis and airport transfers, we search and compare the best deals. Customers can book a hoppa from Alicante to Australia, Barbados to Beijing and in 116 countries in between. Over 30 million customers travelled so far.

Hoppa started life in 2004 (you may have known us as Resorthoppa) from our headquarters in West Byfleet, Surrey and Gatwick. Just ten years later, we now help over 3 million passengers arrive happy 24/7, all year round, taking passengers to all the main beach, ski and city destinations, as well as places off the beaten track. Whatever you need, hoppa will always try to find a way to get you where you’re going.

We have a wide range of transport for you…cars, minibuses, coaches, shuttles, and more! Private transfers may be any type and size of vehicle, depending on the number of people in your party, from individual travellers to large groups.

Shuttles are shared services operating between the main gateways and official tourist accommodation in the most popular holiday destinations. Customers pay for a seat in a vehicle that they share with others travelling to the same destination or to various destinations on the same route. Depending on demand, the vehicle may range in size from a minibus to a large coach and may operate at fixed times.


The Affiliate Programme

hoppa work on a multi-attribution model which awards publishers for their assistance in all customer journeys that result in a sale.

If you would like more information on this please get in touch

Please note: Publishers cannot promote any onsite codes unless authorised by the affiliate channel


Linking Methods

On the hoppa.com program there are a variety of banners available for your use, These are available for your use through the network interface, if there are any other size that you require, please contact us on the email address provided.



Affililates may only promote voucher codes that have been provided through the hoppa.com affiliate programme

hoppa.com reseve the right to withhold payment of commission for non-authorized vouchers


PPC Activity

hoppa does not allow brand bidding of any kind on their affiliate program. Affiliates using brand PPC activity are violating the terms and conditions of the program will be removed from the program.

Please ensure that brand related keywords are negatively matched on PPC campaigns. Affiliates will not be permitted to bid on any brand terms or misspells, or include these terms in any search string or display url on any pay per click search engines (including but not limited to Google AdWords, Yahoo,Overture, Miva, Mirago etc.). Examples of prohibited terms include but are not limited to:








For the avoidance of doubt, the use of any of the above search terms as either a keyword or in the display URL of any PPC ad, is prohibited.

Additionally, affiliates may not use www.hoppa.com in the display URL of pay per click adverts.

Please do not run ads using the http://www.hoppa.com display URL on keywords containing the brand hoppa or any variations on the brand name, including; Bidding At Certain Times on our brand or any variation of our brand name ,Geo-targeting of ads using our brand or any variation , IP Exclusion ,Advert Tricks – putting a higher bid on a copied ad using our brand or any variation, Masking Affiliate Urls by masking the url affiliate ID within a url redirect, Sending Traffic To A Different Domain –time between automatic approval manual review, Using Broad Match To Bypass our Trademarks.

Any affiliates found bidding on the above terms or on the display URL will be suspended from the program and will not be paid commissions already earned for that month.


Social Media

We encourage you to promote us through social media though the use of @arrive_happy, #arrivehappy & #hoppa is prohibited when mentioned in conjunction with a vouchercode. Any affiliate breaching the aforementioned limitiations will be suspended until further notice.



If your site contains, or includes, any of the following, you will not be eligible to join the hoppa.com affiliate programme:

* Hate/offensive/violent content

* Lewd/pornographic content

* Extreme religious or political content

* Abusive or irresponsible promotion of Alcohol, Tobacco or Drugs

* Use of the word "sex" gratuitously or excessively


Copy & Images

Any copy and/or images you wish to use to promote hoppa, must be signed off by a member of our affiliate team first.


All terms and conditions are subject to change – please regularly review this page for updates.


Valid sales are regarded as a transfer booking.


Anyone found to be violating the terms and conditions of the program will be removed from the programme.