
Everyone deserves the right to access power. We started out in 2017 with a group of battery engineers who had the vision to power a new world — actively transitioning the world from outdated power sources to a future of sustainable, renewable power.


Attribution Period (Cookie Length)

30 Days


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Does the transaction value that commissions are paid on include VAT / sales tax?The price have already included the tax.
Does the transaction value that commissions are paid on include delivery charges?
Does the transaction value that commissions are paid on include credit card fees?
Does the transaction value that commissions are paid on include gift wrapping or other service charges?
Are commissions not paid out on some products or product categories?any gift or free products are not gping to be apid on for commission.
What reasons are commissions declined?
Order cancelled
Item was returned
Customer failed credit check
Breach of programme terms and conditions
Duplicate order
Item was out of stock