
Greyhound has been known for offering affordable fares to allow people travel to the next town or across the U.S. Default commission: 4% of the order value excl. Platform/ Service fee. Join our Affiliate program!


Attribution Period (Cookie Length)

30 Days


Policy Definition Yes No Additional Information
Does the transaction value that commissions are paid on include VAT / sales tax?the customer paid amount excluding Platform/ Service fee
Does the transaction value that commissions are paid on include delivery charges?the customer paid amount excluding Platform/ Service fee
Does the transaction value that commissions are paid on include credit card fees?the customer paid amount excluding Platform/ Service fee
Does the transaction value that commissions are paid on include gift wrapping or other service charges?
Are commissions not paid out on some products or product categories?
For what reasons are commissions declined?
Order canceled
Item was returned
Customer failed credit check
Breach of program terms
Duplicate order
Item was out of stock
OtherUnauthorized code usage or fraudulent transactions. Claims past 60 days from order date.