Bodybuilding Warehouse

Bodybuilding Warehouse

Terms and Conditions

Programme Restrictions

Unless explicitly authorised otherwise by Bodybuilding Warehouse, the following Programme restrictions apply:

Affiliates are not permitted to purchase, own or bid on any domain names with the phrase "Bodybuilding Warehouse" or misspellings of "Bodybuilding Warehouse" in the URL. For example,, etc.

Affiliates must not include the term "Bodybuilding Warehouse", or misspelt variations of the same, in the sub-domain of their website’s URL. For example,

Affiliates may use correctly the term "Bodybuilding Warehouse" after the domain of their website’s URL. For example,


PPC Policy

Brand bidding, along with permutations, is not permitted on any search engine (no problem with generic).

Restrictions include, but are not limited to the following:


Bodybuilding Warehouse

Body Building Warehouse


Bodybuilding Warehouse vouchers

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Please do not use the word ‘official’ in your advertisements.

We are happy for affiliates to bid on generic terms, however direct linking is prohibited. Any affiliates who do not abide by these rules do risk having their commissions set to zero and possible suspension.


Discount codes

Bodybuilding Warehouse encourages affiliates to contact us for exclusive voucher/discount codes and additional incentives.

Affiliates may only promote codes that are provided through the Bodybuilding Warehouse affiliate programme (either through our account or directly from Bodybuilding Warehouse’s Affiliate Manager).

Bodybuilding Warehouse reserves the right to withhold payment of commission if unauthorised voucher codes are used in an affiliate sale. We appreciate that consumers may use voucher codes that they have found via a site other than that which is awarded the sale and this will be investigated before decisions on commission payment are made. Any affiliate found to be displaying unauthorised codes may also have their commission set to zero until the code(s) are removed.

Where voucher codes are issued with an expiry date this should be clearly displayed, and codes should be removed or explicitly marked as expired after this due date unless you are advised otherwise. Any affiliates displaying expired codes without marking them as being expired may be suspended from the programme. Please also ensure that you observe IAB voucher code best practice guidelines.

Affiliates may not use their personal referral codes to provide first time customers with 5% off their first order.

Mention Me (Referral) Codes are not permitted to be pushed as an affiliate code - any commission on these will be declined.


Cash Back  / Incentive Affiliates

We will not be working with Cash Back & Incentive sites at launch. This will be reviewed in future.


Social Media Advertising

Affiliates must not post on any Bodybuilding Warehouse social media platform in order to attempt to drive visitors to their webpage. Bodybuilding Warehouse social media platforms include Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and the Bodybuilding Natural Forums.



By participating in Bodybuilding Warehouse’s Affiliate Programme, you agree to not send unsolicited bulk e-mail ("spam") in any form to promote the programme.