Cartridge People

Cartridge People

Terms and Conditions

IMPORTANT: Click Here to download our full Cartridge People Brand Style Guide.


  • The Cartridge People logo must always be on a white background with a minimum of a 5mm bleed if possible.
  • When in a square formate the logo should sit in the center with sufficinet space around the outside.
  • The Cartridge People logo must always be on a white background with a minimum of a 5mm bleed when placed on any imagery.


Please note: We are NOT "The Cartridge People". In every other circumstance, when communicating about the brand verbally or otherwise; we are "Cartridge People".

  • Open Sans is the preferred font family to be used when designing for Cartridge People -
  • Brand Identity - The People: The 'People' make up Cartridge People's brand identity. They feature on our Own Brand packaging, across our website and marketing materials. They can only be used if the Cartridge People logo is present as well. The can not be used to substitute our logo.