O2 Mobile Broadband

O2 Mobile Broadband

Terms and Conditions

The core elements
These are the parts of our identity we need to protect.
1. Logo – it’s our brand name, so it has to appear on everything
we do.
2. Bubbles – they are our most distinctive brand element, they
breathe O2. It’s important to think about how we’re going to use
bubbles before we start creative work. Our bubbles can be used
to help communicate a message or idea. We use them to indicate
thought, movement or action.
3. Blueness – first and foremost, we’re a blue brand. The law
doesn’t allow us to protect ‘blueness’ itself, but we can protect
our blue graduation as long as we use it exactly as it’s registered.
By using the blue graduation, people recognise us straight away

A web language
Our design principles are all about making our websites clean,
clear and simple to use. So our web writing should do the same.
That means:
Keep it short
Speak in simple, friendly terms
Saying exactly what you mean
Links are words too

The O2 tone of voice applies to the functional stuff too.
Navigation copy – buttons, links and instructions – should get
right to the point.
Keep your local accent
Our tone of voice guidelines are an international standard for all
our markets. But local markets sometimes need to talk in a local
way – it’s up to you to make a judgment on your own content.

Suppliers and third parties
ALWAYS consider the use O2 needs to make of any product or
service supplied by a third party and discuss these needs with the
legal department so that the appropriate terms can be agreed
with the supplier. The contract with the supplier must provide O2
with ownership of IPR or the appropriate licences and permissions
to use any third party IPR.
DO NOT use other parties’ software, documents, designs or materials
unless you have the necessary permissions and licences

You must check that you have the permission of the copyright
owner before uploading any material to the site.
This includes
material that has been specifically produced for an O2 company
because Internet rights may not have been cleared. If no permission
exists you must obtain permission from the copyright owner
before uploading.
Involvement of your legal team in entering into contracts with
external agencies involved in developing materials for the website
or hosting material will ensure that the agency has assigned all
IPRs to the OB.
Each web page comprising the web site must have a copyright
notice at the bottom. This will announce that copyright exists in
the work, who is the owner and deter infringement.
The copyright notice should consist of the international © mark,
the year of publication and the copyright owner’s name (full
name of the OB). As a web site is continually updated, the year
of publication should be shown as a period from first publication
of the web page until the most recent update.
An example of how your copyright notice will appear is given
© 2002-2009 Telefónica O2 UK Limited. All rights reserved.
Examples of each OB’s copyright notice can be found in the
footer section of this document

Database Rights
A database that is a collection of data or other material that
is arranged in such a way that the items are individually accessible,
may be protected by database right. If you are considering
uploading or linking to such material, contact the OB’s legal team

Trade Marks and brand elements
All O2 trade marks and brand elements (including use of the
graduated blue background, O2 logo, bubbles, neon and the
speaker logos) must be used in accordance with the brand guidelines
which are available on the Brand Room at
All third party trade marks must be approved for use by the relevant
trade mark owner or cleared with the legal team.
Before adopting a new brand or trade name, ALWAYS ask the
OB’s legal department to check whether anyone else has already
registered the name or brand.

Each of the OB countries has implemented the EU Data Protection
Directive into its local laws. Therefore, if you intend to place
information on the website relating to a living individual who can
be identified from that information (“personal data”), then you
must consider carefully with your legal team or the Data Protection
Officer in the OB if you are permitted to do so under the
local Data Protection legislation. Personal data may include a
photograph or video image of a person if they can be identified
by that image.
Before putting someone’s personal data on the website you must
ask for their consent unless your legal team or the Data Protection
Officer advises you are not obliged to do so. Only personal
data on over 16’s (over 18’s in the Czech Republic and Slovakia)
should be used in this way because of 1) O2’s marketing to children
policy and 2) the issue of whether under 16’s (in case of the
Czech Rublic and Slovakia under 18’s) can legally give consent.
You must keep records of all consents obtained.
You may also need to register with the local Data Protection
Regulatory authority in the respective OB country before you can
process personal data. If you will be processing personal data,
please contact your local legal team or Data Protection Officer for
further advice before you start to do so.
Each of the OBs currently has a privacy policy on the website
which explains how we collect information, what information is
collected, the ways in which that information may be used and
how a subject can update or access his personal information.
The legal teams in the respective OBs are responsible for updating
the privacy policy and it should not be amended by anyone


Legal responsibilities
References to O2 URLs and company names
The URL should be written as www.o2.com (i.e. with a lowercase
“o”) and NOT as www.O2.com (i.e. not with an upper-case
Company name endorsement and registration details
The Telefónica logo must be used in accordance with the
brand guidelines.
In the UK, Ireland, the Czech Republic and Germany, the
registered company name, registered office address, company
registration number, place of registration and its VAT number are
required to be provided on the website. It is sufficient if the user
can find this information by clicking on a link placed at the top or
the bottom of the homepage.
Correct usage of the URL

Legal responsibilities
Domain name registration and management
At the time of adopting a new brand or trade name, when
checks are made with the legal department to find out whether
anyone else has already registered the name or brand, checks
should also be made of the availability of the respective name as
a domain name.
We are currently reviewing the domain name registration and
management policy. In the meantime, you are requested to
contact your local legal team and discuss with them whether the
domain name should be registered as a .com, .cz, .de, .ie, .sk
and/or .uk domain name only or whether a registration of any
other top level domain should also be carried out. In instances
where the domain name is likely to be used by all or more than
one OB, a .com registration should be applied for.