TransPennine Trains Limited

TransPennine Trains Limited

Terms and Conditions

About TransPennine Express 

TransPennine Express is run by TransPennine Trains Ltd and operates inter-city services on three main routes across the North of England and into Scotland. Some of the destinations served include Newcastle, Middlesbrough, York, Scarborough, Leeds, Cleethorpes, Sheffield, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Carlisle, Lancaster, Preston, Manchester, Manchester Airport, Warrington, and Liverpool.

There are loads of reasons to buy train tickets on our website and to make a leisure trip on our network:

  • 23 Premiership, Championship and Division One football teams on our network including: Manchester United, Liverpool, Leeds United, and Newcastle United.
  • 6 out of the top 10 UK holiday destinations are on our train network (source UK Tourism Survey 2008) 
  • Save over 50% on ticket fares when buying in advance online. For example, Manchester to Edinburgh from only £22.40.
  • PLUS - customers can buy any train ticket for anywhere in the UK
    on our website - we don't even charge any credit card or booking fees
    (unlike Rail Easy or The TrainLine).

*Commission Structure:

  • 4.5% on transaction value for dedicated advance purchase standard and first class tickets sold on our route – any value.(see route map).
  • We even pay 1% on any other train tickets (even those not on our network.)
  • Please note, currently we are unable to offer commission on season ticket sales


PPC Policy 
PPC activity is encouraged, however direct linking is not permitted. Please be advised that only generic bidding is permitted and ‘Brand Name Bidding’ restrictions apply to the TransPennine Express programme.
Affiliates are requested not to bid on brand name terms or brand name term spelling variations on Google, Yahoo or Bing.

The following terms and variations of are restricted:
transpennine express
trans pennine express
tp express
first transpennine express
transpenine express
transpennine trains
trans pennine
transpennine timetable
trans Pennine

Display URL
Affiliates are not permitted to use the display url , or variations of the TransPennine brand.

Ad Copy
Affiliates are not permitted to use the TransPennine brand name or variations of within the ad copy title to text.
To avoid broad match issues please include these aforementioned restricted terms as negative keywords in all your PPC campaigns for TransPennine Express.

Affiliates found bidding on restricted terms may have pending transactions cancelled or face suspension from the programme.

Email policy
You are not permitted to send any unsolicited email ("spam") under this Affiliate programme. This is extended to include all forms of spam including blog comment spamming.

Voucher codes terms: 
If you are a voucher code site you must not have any misleading copy suggesting there are codes when none exist. We are happy for you to feature special offers, but the phrasing of the button and copy you supply directing customers to the site must be clear.

Wishing you all the best success! The TransPennine Express Team