

Terms and Conditions

Voucher Codes
You are only permitted to promote authorised voucher codes that are provided either directly through this affiliate platform or given directly. 
Affiliates may not promote any codes that have not been issued through the affiliate channel. Any affiliate found to be promoting any non-authorised codes will have relevant transactions declined. Continuous promotion of non-authorised codes would evoke a programme membership review. 
Codes/promotions/offers must only be shown or featured once their start date has commenced, alongside an expiry date. 

PlayMoreGolf reserves the right to withdraw any code/promotion/offer at any time. 
If any exclusive code/promotion/offer that has been provided to a specific affiliate is found to be used by any other affiliate, PlayMoreGolf reserves the right to decline, or withhold payment from any sales as a result of the code being used. 
Any sales that have been tracked with unauthorised voucher codes may be declined. 

PlayMoreGolf offers or codes are limited, and code stacking is not permitted.  PlayMoreGolf offers or codes are subject to availability, and where applicable, will only continue while stock lasts. 
We reserve the right to end all offers or codes  

Validation Period
75 days from purchase. No commission will be paid on returned/cancelled orders. Commissions will be updated if orders are changed by the customer.
PlayMoreGolf reserves the right to decline any commissions on transactions that are deemed to be illegitimate or fraudulent. 

Cookie Period
30 days

PPC policy

No brand  or direct PPC is permitted for this program, including;
Links/PPC ads that use the company’s name or any variations.
Brand terms, including misspellings or derivatives as a keyword or part of a key phrase on any search engine or as a display URL.

If brand or direct PPC bidding is discovered without prior consent, PlayMoreGolf reserves the right to review, and remove an affiliates membership to this programme. 
Publishers are not permitted to bid on (or any variations of) the following terms.


CSS affiliates must add these terms as negative keywords (phrase match) in any campaigns that may trigger ads for PlayMoreGolf.

If requested, CSS affiliates must provide PlayMoreGolf a summary of terms that are being used to ensure that there are no conflicts with PPC activity. 
Publishers must not register URL’s similar to without the merchant’s consent. Any commissions earned through these URL’s, without prior permission may be declined. 

PPC or CSS affiliates wishing to join the PlayMoreGolf programme are asked to reach out and contact the account manager to discuss this first. If this is not done, your application to join the programme may be declined. 


De-duplication Policy & Best Practice

PlayMoreGolf de-duplicate automatically against price comparison.

PlayMoreGolf agrees, wherever possible, to provide affiliates with reasonable notice period on any significant changes to the campaign.

Please do not register url’s similar to without the merchant’s consent. PlayMoreGolf welcomes the opportunity to work with all affiliate types except software application affiliates.  Affiliates must supply a working url in order to be accepted onto the program.

Please do not use competitor names to send traffic to the merchant’s site.

Cancelled Orders
PlayMoreGolf reserves the right to withdraw commission if we believe that an order has been placed fraudulently or if payment is not received for the order.

Affiliates are not permitted to use PlayMoreGolf, PlayMoreGolf in a domain name. Although PlayMoreGolf a brand can be used in the path of a URL.

When referring to PlayMoreGolf please use the full brand name, PlayMoreGolf with an upper case P, M and G. Do not use in any ad copy, or in reference to the brand. 

Any creative assets provided through this platform may not be altered with in any way. 
Any text links provided through this platform may not be altered with in any way. 
We would request that any banners provided are not hard-coded onto your affiliate site. This is so that any updates to banners made through the platform can take immediate effect.  

Commission structure
PlayMoreGolf reserve the right to change the amount of commission paid on sales, publishers will be notified before any changes are made. This does not include changes made for promotional or strategic reasons.


The PlayMoreGolf affiliate campaign is currently operated and managed by Modo25. If you have any queries regarding any of the above, please reach out to