Carphone Warehouse

Carphone Warehouse

Terms and Conditions

Commission & Tracking

Please note that Carphone warehouse uses an offline validation process - the commission groups registered in the Awin system will be overwritten with the correct values when the order is validated. 

If orders cannot be tracked, we may not be able to allocate commissions. To avoid any errors, please use the banners we provide or use the Deep-Link Generator to create correct tracking links. 

Orders must be marked as "shipped" or "fulfilled" for us to validate transactions and pay commission.


Missed Transaction Claims

Please note that Carphone warehouse uses an offline validation process - the commissions registered for pending orders will be overwritten with the correct values when the order is approved. As a result we can only investigate transaction queries when:

  1. After the order has been validated (approved)
  2. Within 2 months of the order being approved.

Please do not raise transaction transaction queries before the order in question has been approved.



A range of banners and creatives are available via our Darwin page.

Should you wish to create your own set of creatives, emails etc please feel free to do so. However, please submit these to Carphone Warehouse for sign-off before they go live.

Carphone Warehouse messaging/branding should get sign off prior to going live.

Call Centres

Outbound/inbound call centre activity is not permitted on the programme. Any affiliate found in breach of this will face suspension from the programme.

* Exclusive Deals - at times, we do create and offer unique tariff deals (both Pay Monthly and Pay As You Go) across our other online channels. The deals are exclusive to these channels, and any order coming through affiliates will be declined.

* Voucher Codes - commission will only be honoured to sites given exclusive voucher codes (where relevant). Payment of sales where codes taken from one site and used when coming through another site will be declined.

Business Deals - orders placed online for Business deals will not be paid any commission


Affiliate PPC Policy
Carphone Warehouse does not permit affiliates to directly promote their programme via PPC. 

If you drive traffic to your own site via PPC your ads should not show for a search on the advertiser's Company Name and trademarks.This includes mis-spellings, variations and combinations of the brand name and other terms.

Please use the following guidelines:

  • Affiliates must not directly or indirectly bid on the trademark "Carphone Warehouse", "The Carphone Warehouse" or any misspelling or variations of these.
  • You are not allowed to bid on the brand term or any variations of the following terms:
    carphonewarehouse, car phone warehouse, car phone ware house, carphone ware house, carphone, warehouse, the carphone warehouse, the carphonewarehouse, the car phone warehouse, the car phone ware house, the carphone ware house, thecarphonewarehouse, the carphone, the warehouse, the car phone, the ware house, Warehouse, carpohnewarhouse, carhone warehouse, caprhone warehouse, carphonewarheouse, carphone waehouse, carhpone warehouse, carphone warehoues, crphone warehouse, carphoen warehouse, car phone warehouse, carphone warehouse, carphonewarehouse
    This restriction includes broad or hrase matches.
  • Please do not include the Carphone Warehouse brand name or variations in your site or page URLs. Examples of this include:
  • Please do not include the Carphone Warehouse brand name or variations in the display URL for paid ads. Examples of this include:
  • Please do not use the above trademarks in ad copy, text or ad titles. 
  • Please do not target adverts using keywords based on misspellings of advertiser's trademarks.
  • Your ads should not show for a search which includes advertiser's Company Name, trademarks or URLs. This includes "broad match" and "brand + generic"

Sponsored Social Content

Any content, whether paid for or not, must be labelled with #Ad. Publishers failing to comply risk having commission rejected and being removed from the Carphone Warehouse affiliate programme.

For more information get in touch with the Awin account management team.'