Terms and Conditions

Trademark Guidelines

In these Terms and Conditions no licence has been granted to use any trade mark of The Boots Company PLC or its affiliated companies including, without limitation, the trade marks Boots or or confusingly similar name and the trade marks 17, No7 Mediterranean, Botanics, Natural Collection, Soltan, Shapers and Boots the Chemist must not be used:

1. Bidding directly or indirectly for any brand name featuring The Boots Company PLC's trade marks or any similar trade marks, misspellings or derivatives of the trade marks. This applies to all search engines and to avoid any misunderstandings we would strongly recommend you set the Boots brand terms as a negative match in your search campaigns.

2. Using The Boots Company PLC's trade marks, trade marks misspellings or similar variations in the written copy of adverts on pay per click search engines;

3. As part of the main domain that would mislead the consumer to believe that the website is part of the Boots Company Plc , for example,, however it will be possible to use (however, this is not for use as a display URL within listings on paid for performance search engines, for example, Google. or in an e-mail address)

4. Using as the display URL in Google, or any other paid performance website or generally misleading the consumer into believing the advertisement is from the official web site. This includes all paid performance keywords.

5. For the purpose of diverting customers to web sites not owned by The Boots Company PLC or to give priority to web sites not owned by The Boots Company PLC over the web site

6. Making or passing off as being owners of The Boots Company PLC's trade marks or taking any action which is likely to confuse or mislead third parties to believe that the affiliates / or website are owners of The Boots Company PLC's trade marks;

7. Registering any URLS that include any of The Boots Company PLC's trade marks, or any version that could be mistaken for an official web site of The Boots Company PLC;

8. Using creatives of the The Boots Company PLC in pop-up or pop-under windows, or to link to any web site of The Boots Company PLC by embedding them in a frame from the web site of the affiliate. It should also be clear to consumers that by clicking on the links of the web site owned by the Boots Company PLC they have left the web site of the affiliate and are now on a web site owned by The Boots Company PLC and that the URL should not be masked in any way.

9. Using "add to favourite" campaigns that would mislead consumers to think that they are bookmarking a web site of The Boots Company PLC when in fact they are bookmarking the web site of the affiliate / third party.

If you have any questions regarding this programme please contact the Boots Team: