Avant Skincare

Avant Skincare

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

This partnership will be based on brand and demographic fit, which we assess on an ongoing basis. We are looking to work with a variety of affiliates who will promote our brand and brand values, and follow our brand imagery and character.

All information, data, text, images, graphics and the selection and arrangement of such links, software and source codes on Avant Skincare website are the copyright of Avant Skincare and its suppliers, and no part of the website may be reproduced in any form or by any means.

Any reproduction of any part of the Avant Skincare website without our prior written consent will result in legal proceedings. All trademarks are acknowledged as trademarks or registered trademarks of their owners.



Affiliates may use correctly spelt Avant Skincare after the domain of their website’s URL (for example, http://www.affiliate.com/avantskincare).

Affiliates are not permitted to purchase, own or bid on any domain names with the word or misspellings or variations of ‘Avant Skincare' in the URL. For example:

Affiliates must not include Avant Skincare, or misspelt variations of the same, in the subdomain of their website’s URL (for example https://www.avant-skincare.affiliate.com/).


Use of voucher codes

Affiliates are prohibited from using authorised voucher codes.  Affiliates may only promote affiliate authorised voucher codes. Any affiliates found to be promoting a non-authorised code on their site, will have the relevant transaction declined.

We reserve the right to decline any sales tracked with an unauthorised voucher code whether this code was promoted on the site or not.

Where voucher codes are issued with an expiry date this should be clearly displayed, and codes should be removed or explicitly marked as expired after this date unless you are advised otherwise. Any affiliates displaying expired codes without marking them as being expired may be suspended from the programme. Please also ensure that you observe the IAB voucher code best practice guidelines at https://www.iabuk.com/standards-guidelines/performance-marketing-advisory-group-code-conduct-vouchers


Pay Per Click (PPC)

Affiliates are allowed to use PPC techniques as outlined under PPC Terms.

Affiliates, however, are prohibited from bidding on ‘Avant Skincare’, ‘Avant Skin Care’, misspellings and/or variations with PPC searches.

Any site found to be using PPC advertising will be removed from the affiliate programme.


Social Media Advertising

Affiliates are allowed to use Affiliate links within their Social Media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter etc, given their post is ASA compliant. You can find out more about ASA at https://www.asa.org.uk/advice-online/remit-social-media.html and https://paidforadvertising.co.uk/


Comparison Shopping Service (CSS) Partners

Please note that we do not work with CSS partners.



The network will pay commission to you once a month (upon validation of orders) and any queries over when you will receive this payment should be directed to: support@affiliatewindow.com

Please kindly note Avant Skincare’s standard cancellation period is 29 days. Commissions will be confirmed after this period has been completed depending on the status of the order. You can read more about our Shipping & Returns Policy at https://www.avant-skincare.com/en/content/22-aeu-legal-shipping-and-payment 



We reserve the right to discontinue an affiliate partnership without notice at any time.

We currently encourage affiliates to get in touch for exclusive promotions and incentives, on-demand creatives, and website analytics.

Any affiliate that is found breaking our Terms and Conditions may have their commissions set to zero and risk being suspended from the programme effective immediately.

If you have any questions regarding the scope of the terms, please do not hesitate to contact us on constantinos.k@avant-skincare.com.


Please note that Avant Skincare are trading as Atypic Skincare LTD.