Robert Dyas

Robert Dyas

Terms and Conditions

Voucher Code Usage

Affiliates on the Robert Dyas programme are not permitted to use any voucher codes that have not been explicitly stated as suitable for affiliate use. Occasionally, Robert Dyas will offer voucher codes to customers via other advertising channels - including catalogue drops, and direct email campaigns, or have these codes available on their site.

All affiliates should take care not to promote these unauthorised codes in any manner on their websites - otherwise, this will result in commissions being declined for the affected sales where these unauthorised codes are found to have been used. In some cases, you may also be removed from the program.

Affiliates should also not promote voucher codes which have been given for exclusive use to specific affiliates and sites. Where these are used, no commissions will be paid except to the affiliate to whom the voucher code has been released. 

Promoting Robert Dyas

When promoting discount codes for use with Robert Dyas products, please ensure that the product price is promoted and not the price including the discount offered by the discount code. Any authorised discount codes can be advertised alongside the product price, however, the final discounted amount including the code cannot be advertised. For example, if product X is £10 and they are offering a discount code of 10% off, do not display the item as being £9. It should be advertised as £10 plus a 10% off discount code.

Email Affiliates

Affiliates on the Robert Dyas programme are not permitted to run email campaigns without prior approval from the Robert Dyas Affiliate Team.


Affiliates are not allowed to bid on the brand name terms or any derivation or misspelling including but not isolated to:

robert dyas


robert dyers


robert dyer

robert dias

Affiliates found bidding on these terms may have pending transactions cancelled or face temporary suspension from the programme.

To avoid broad match issues we would urge you to include the above terms as negative keywords in all PPC campaigns else action will be taken against affiliates that persistently break the terms and conditions of the Robert Dyas affiliate programme.

Purchasing of domain names

Affiliates cannot use any domain names that include the Robert Dyas or misspells of the brand name.