At Fanttik, we specialize in high-quality automotive tools, outdoor gear, home improvement tools, and personal care products designed to make your life easier and more enjoyable. Whether you’re hitting the road for a family trip, gearing up for outdoor camping adventures, diving into creative crafts, or managing everyday chores, our products are here to help you every step of the way. With innovation, durability, and modern design at our core, Fanttik brings you solutions that turn ordinary tasks into fantastic experiences.
Program Features Include:
Commission Rate: 10-20% commission
Cookie Length: 30 days
Average Sale: $115
● Product datafeed for you to feature Fanttik products directly from your website.
● Weekly newsletter with updates on promotions, bonus campaigns, contests, and sales opportunities.
Why Choose Fanttik?
High-Quality Products: Our products combine high-tech features with down-to-earth practicality to meet customers' requirements.
Key Technologies: Experience the future with our cutting-edge technologies including Magnetic Motor Technology, Fast Charging Technology, 3 in 1 Smart Drivetrain Module.
Impressive Achievements: Fanttik isn't just a brand – it's a recognized industry leader. Since 2022, we've consistently earned IF Design Awards, dominated as Best Sellers on platforms like Amazon and TikTok Shop, partnered with top-tier retail platforms, sponsored adrenaline-pumping NASCAR events, and earned glowing endorsements from leading Media.
Join us in unleashing creativity and adventure. Let's collaborate!
Categories: Tire lnflators, Screwdrivers, Car Vacuums, Instant Tents, Electric Scooters, Ride on Car