Two Bitch Spirits Affiliate Program

Two Bitch Spirits Affiliate Program

ID | 74314


Two Bitch Spirits Ltd. is a family owned and operated liquor company headquartered in Eureka, Nevada. The Bitches behind the brand are Doberman rescue sisters Miss Scarlett and Sage.


Attribution Period (Cookie Length)

30 Days

Commissions & Average Sale Value:

The base commission is 5% of the total successful sale.  A successful sale is one that is not returned, cancelled, refunded, or otherwise unable to be completed.  The commission is based on the total amount paid by the customer including any shipping charges. An average sale is $ 130!


Verified nonprofit Affiliates are eligible to receive a base commission of 10% upon validated proof of 501(3)(c) status.


Perks & Upgrades:

As a Two Bitch Bourbon Affiliate, you’ll have the opportunity to earn perks, merchandise, and commission upgrades (bonuses and/or increases) over time.  These opportunities are communicated directly to our Affiliates as they become available.