
Perfumes, makeup, cosmetics, beauty and hair products, jewelry and frames for spectacles. Also automotive and pest control. Purchases shipped globally from the European Union. Product feed available for online shops on websites and social media.


Attributionszeitraum (Cookielaufzeit)

30 Tage


Dunleath DE Partnerprogramm

12% commission for successful sales, but not including tax and shipping, or chargeback. If you need any assistance with onboarding, please let us know how we can we can help you. Our domain https://dunleath.de redirects to https://dunleath.com

Dunleath lists hair and beauty products, perfumes, makeup, cosmetics, jewelry and frames for spectacles. Home and Garden, including Pest Control. Also automotive products for vehicles. Purchases shipped globally from the European Union. 

If you need an exclusive voucher and code please ask, and provide your Awin Id. Voucher Attribution is a tracking method that enables cookie-less tracking by being able to track sales on just a voucher code alone. Voucher Attribution enabled codes can be given to an exclusive publisher. Publishers can then use that code to drive sales in places such as social media sites. When a sale is made using that voucher code Awin attribute a sale to the publisher that the voucher code was assigned to.

We provide multilingual banners and also product feeds for 24,000-plus products for your use. Awin's Create-a-Feed tool can be used to put together a data feed based on a variety of criteria: advertiser, brand, or category. For WordPress, WooCommerce and Wix search plug-ins for 'Awin' to connect the Dunleath product feed. Or use MyAwin Google Chrome extension to automatically generate links from categories or individual products on the Dunleath.com website. For how to do this see: https://success.awin.com/s/article/is-there-any-awin-browser-extension?language=en_US