Ever since its foundation in 1897, RAC has been consistently at the forefront in developing motoring services - from introducing uniformed patrols in 1901 and roadside emergency telephone boxes in 1912 right through to the present day when we boast the world's most advanced computer systems to deal with calls for roadside assistance.
RAC Members enjoy access to an enormous range of motoring products and services throughout their driving lives, ranging from the familiar and much appreciated roadside assistance in the event of a breakdown to continually updated legal and technical advice and up-to-the-minute travel information.
Standard Commission Offering
All Non-Cashback/Loyalty Affiliates:
£20 commission for a Personal or Vehicle Roadside Policy
£35 for above roadside
Cashback/Loyalty Affiliates:
Please get in touch with uk-rac@awin.com to discuss a bespoke commission structure.