
CreativeLive was founded in 2010 with the mission to empower creators with powerful new skills and inspirational mentorship. Our digital catalog of high-quality creative education has taught millions of students, professionals and artists worldwide.


Attribution Period (Cookie Length)

60 Days


CreativeLive (US) Affiliate Program

Welcome to CreativeLive’s Affiliate Program!

Since day one, we at CreativeLive believed there’s a creator in all of us. 12 years later, our Seattle-based company has grown to a global creative community of 10+ million. We work daily to champion creators' dreams; offering 2,000+ creative classes, learning paths, blogs, tips, laughs, a friendly push, and much-needed support for the real creative journey. 

Our digital catalog of over 60,000 lessons serves students looking for creative education in various fields, including photography, design, craft, music, entrepreneurship and more. From beginners needing fundamentals to pros sharpening their skills, anyone can stream and learn from Grammy Winners, Pulitzer Prize recipients, award-winning photographers, and 700+ of the world’s best creative experts.


Why become a CreativeLive Affiliate?

CreativeLive’s affiliate program offers top-of-the-industry commission rates starting with $10 for a single class purchase and up to $50 for an annual subscription.

Commission Structure

Single Class: $10

CreatorPass (access to the entire classes library):

  • Monthly Subscription - $25
  • Annual Subscription - $50​

* Special rates and bonuses for top-performing publishers!

* Cashback, Coupon, and Loyalty Program partners will receive a fixed $7 CPA (CPAi based on performance).

* 60 Day Cookie Period

Contact Information

Help us help you! 

Have questions or feedback? Looking for more information? Interested in expanding the partnership?

Get in touch, so we can help you earn more from CreativeLive Affiliates!


The CreativeLive Affiliates Team

Sara Novajosky,


Categories:Online Classes, Creative Education, Photography Classes, Digital Courses, Subscription video on demand