### **The CCreation Market Affiliate Programme**
Join our affiliate community and earn money through referring individual digital assets or services.
### **Why become a CCreation affiliate?**
* CCreation is a growing creator led marketplace for digital assets.
* A Conversion Rate of over 5%
* An Average Order Value of over £30
* CCreation offers leading niche templates, motion graphics and digital assets for Capcut, Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, Davinci Resolve, Canva & More!
* Creative is provided.
* Additional support available.
Commission: 30% commission - new & returning customers.
Cookie Length: 45-Day Period
AOV: Over £30
### **How it works?**
Our automatic approval validates sale within 3 days. Commissions are rewarded in full.
Regular communications are sent out to all affiliate members about upcoming promotions, and we can also provide some additional help if any of our affiliate partners would require it.
### **Who are we looking for?**
Do you have a blog or website that speaks to our customers? f you happen to be the owner of a blog, publication, or website, the CCreation Affiliate program is a great way to monetise your audience.
YouTube, Pinterest, TikTok & more - If you run a successful YouTube channel, Pinterest profile or TikTok account in the graphic, web design or videography business, we’d be more than keen to see you on board with the program.
Promote your own products and earn more! For those of you who are already selling your content on CCreation, we’ve got a prime spot for you in our affiliate program. You could earn extra money on top of your Author earnings by referring new customers.
### **Who are CCreation’s customers?**
From aspiring creators to entrepreneurs; From the professional video editors to the social media influencer - CCreation has all a creator would need with our wide range of templates, motion graphics, Capcut, Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, DaVinci Resolve to Canva.
### **Payout example**
If you refer 2 new customers per day, you'll earn £1,680 per month.
### **Program Approved actions**
We are open to contract propositions.
1. Utilise our community and UGC content to communicate the product or service **Align with your interests.**
2. Utilise our content and assets to **Align with your interests.**
3. Assess the landscape and use our content and assets to **Align with your interests.**
4. **Content is king**
### **Program Restrictions**
Unless explicitly authorised otherwise by CCreation, the following Programme restrictions apply:
\- Affiliates are not permitted to purchase, own or bid on any domain names with the word ‘CCreation’ or misspellings of ‘CC reation’ in the URL. For example, https://ccreation.store/ or creation.com
\- Affiliates must not include CCreation Brand Terms, or misspelt variations of the same, in the sub-domain of their website’s URL. For example, [http://ccreation.affiliate.com](http://ccreation.affiliate.com) or http://ccreation.affiliate.store
\- Affiliates may use correctly spelt CCreation Brand Terms after the domain of their website’s URL. For example, [http://www.affiliate.com/CCreation](http://www.affiliate.com/CCreation).
\- Affiliates are not allowed to register the brand CCreation or any variation of it on any social media platform. This includes and does not limit to brand + generic word or sentence as well generic word or sentence + brand. Any attempt to register such social media accounts will be a direct breach of the Awin terms and conditions, in particular section 7. Intellectual Property Rights of the Awin code of conduct.
### **Discount codes**
We encourages affiliates to contact us for exclusive voucher/discount codes and additional incentives (Affiliates may only promote codes that are provided through the CCreation affiliate programme (either through our account or directly from CCreation’s Affiliate Manager).
CCreation reserves the right to withhold payment of commission if unauthorised voucher codes are used in an affiliate sale. We appreciate that consumers may use voucher codes that they have found via a site other than that which is awarded the sale and this will be investigated before decisions on commission payment are made. Any affiliate found to be displaying unauthorised codes may also have their commission set to zero until the code(s) are removed.
Where voucher codes are issued with an expiry date this should be clearly displayed, and codes should be removed or explicitly marked as expired after this due date unless you are advised otherwise. Any affiliates displaying expired codes without marking them as being expired may be suspended from the programme.
Affiliates cannot use their personal or any other CC referral codes to provide first time customers with 5% off their first order. Affiliates may only promote the following referral code on their sites: **CC10**. Any transactions using other referral codes will not be approved.
### Social Media
Youtube: https://youtube.com/@cc_reation
Instagram: [instagram.com/cc\_reation](https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=channel_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa3FFQzcwYlpCRy1PVm9aUS1TQ0Z1MGhxOE5aZ3xBQ3Jtc0tsUFZiZlExWHJEb2Z0NGJCTG10QnhnU2QzZzc5eXozdGs1SWF3LWFwQ0h2ajVfcXR2aWdXNnlPT3lDbXRaNVJKd2VOclUwajZmdXJaMWRQWkRCRlRJSGVudVJ5QTlyOWM4eTdMcWVyREE4OFdZUDFaVQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fcc_reation)