Busby & Fox

Busby & Fox

Terms and Conditions


• Commissions apply to net sales only
• Cookie window is 30 days
• Sales will be validated 15 days after the return period closes. Our return period is 28 days from purchase.
• If a publisher is found to breach the T&Cs or policies, Busby & Fox reserve the right to reverse commission and suspend them from the program.

PPC and Paid Search

• Affiliates may not bid on or use the words ‘busby and fox’ or ‘busbyandfox.co.uk’ or any other brand terms (including misspells of these terms) in any way to gain preferential listings on search engines or online directories. 

Voucher Codes

• Affiliates may only promote codes that are provided through the Busby & Fox affiliate program
• We reserve the right to withhold payment of commission if non-authorised codes are used in an affiliate sale
• Where voucher codes are issued with an expiry date, this should be clearly displayed and codes should be removed or marked as expired after this date. 


• Affiliates are not to alter images with any of the Busby & Fox branding without approval from Busby & Fox