Savile Row Company Ltd

Savile Row Company Ltd

Terms and Conditions


PPC Policy

• Affiliates are not allowed to bid on the Savile Row Company brand name, any derivation or misspellings.  

• Any brand and misspelt terms should be included as negative keywords in all search engine marketing campaigns. This includes, but is not limited to : , savile row, savile row clothing, savile row co, savile row company, savile row company London, savile row London, savile row shirt company, savile row shirts, savile-row, savilerow co uk, savilerowco, savilerowco com, saville row, saville row co, saville row company, saville row London, savillerow, the savile row company, www savilerow com, www savilerowco com.  

• Affiliates found bidding on these terms may have pending transactions cancelled or face suspension from the program. 

• Use of the Savile Row Company and/or misspellings in a site display URL is prohibited in any PPC campaigns.  

• Use of the Savile Row Company and/or misspellings in a site domain is prohibited in any PPC campaigns.  

• Affiliates wishing to promote the Savile Row Company using the PPC channel must do so using their own websites or landing pages. Affiliates must not use a URL redirect to take the customer directly to the Savile Row Company website from a PPC advert.


Discount/Voucher Codes Policy

Any generic codes supplied through the Affiliate Window system can be distributed.  Codes provided to sole affiliates are for their use only.  

Use of unauthorised codes may result in non-payment of commission.  Should a consumer use a code which they have found via an alternative website or any other marketing activity,  every aspect will be considered before a decision on commission payments are made.

Please observe the IAB voucher code best practice guidelines.  

Data Feed

A fully supported product data feed is available.