Natural Image Wigs

Natural Image Wigs

Terms and Conditions

All affiliates are required to adhere to Natural Image Wigs Ts & Cs. These may be subject to change- see below for reference. 

Affiliates must always promote Natural Image Wigs in a positive, relevant manner.

All affiliates who apply to the  Natural Image Wigs  affiliate program will be reviewed prior to a decision being reached. To maximise your chance of being accepted, clearly express your relevance and value to the  Natural Image Wigs  program in your application and only list the URL/URLs that you plan to feature us on.

The following affiliate sites or behaviors are not permitted: 

·         Under construction  

·         Contain adult content or are pornographic or sexually explicit.

·         Promote violence, discrimination, terrorism, drug use, harassment, or other illegal activities.

·         Use spyware or phishing techniques or are motivated by fraudulent and dishonest practices.

·         Adopt black hat web practices.

·         Work against the interest of  Natural Image Wigs 

·         Participate in fraudulent activities.

·         Affiliates are not allowed to promote  Natural Image Wigs  products on any Search Engines. 

·         Advertise Sale against  Natural Image Wigs  products if the products are not in Sale.

·         Any usage of the  Natural Image Wigs logo or creative must be approved

·         Affiliates must use links from the program they are signed up to.


In addition affiliates may not: 

·         Put the  Natural Image Wigs  website into frames or use masked URLs

·         Purchase domain names which include the  Natural Image Wigs brand name, registered trademarks, nor any misspells or variations

·         Alter any of the creative or text links available through the Affiliate Window interface

·         Hardcode banners onto their site, so updates made to those available through Affiliate Window may take immediate effect.