Apotek Hjärtat SE

Apotek Hjärtat SE


Policydefinition Ja Nej Ytterligare information
Vilka reklamtyper kan publicister använda för ditt program?
Cashback Only working with a few selected partners. We don't accept new partnerships right now.
GruppUpon request
ContentApotek Hjärtat is not working with influencers/blogs.
Loyalty Only working with a few selected partners. We don't accept new partnerships right now with this publisher vertical.
Media brokers
Finns det andra begränsningar som publicister måste vara medvetna om? Exempelvis marknadsföring av vuxenmaterial eller åldersbegränsade produkter.Promoting adult content, LCHF and other diets as well as alcohol consumption and other content that is not in line with the Apotek Hjärtat brand is not allowed.