Vilka reklamtyper kan publicister använda för ditt program? |
Cashback | | | Only working with a few selected partners. We don't accept new partnerships right now. |
Content | | | Apotek Hjärtat is not working with influencers/blogs. |
Rabattkod | | | |
E-post | | | |
Loyalty | | | Only working with a few selected partners. We don't accept new partnerships right now with this publisher vertical. |
Sök | | | |
Retargeting | | | |
Media brokers | | | |
Finns det andra begränsningar som publicister måste vara medvetna om? Exempelvis marknadsföring av vuxenmaterial eller åldersbegränsade produkter. | | | Promoting adult content, LCHF and other diets as well as alcohol consumption and other content that is not in line with the Apotek Hjärtat brand is not allowed. |