Hvilke publisher-promotionstyper har lov til at arbejde i dit program? |
Cashback |  |  | |
Content |  |  | |
Rabatkode |  |  | Only currently approved affiliates. No more new applications will be processed for voucher code sites. |
E-mail |  |  | |
Loyalitet |  |  | |
Search |  |  | |
Behavioural retargeting |  |  | |
Mediemæglere |  |  | |
Er der nogle andre begrænsinger, som publishere skal være opmærksomme på? Såsom promovering af voksenindhold eller produkter med aldersbegrænsning. |  |  | We will not accept affiliate sites with sexually explicit or violent/abusive content or financial services sites selling their own products e.g. offering loans etc. We will accept impartial financial services advice sites. |