Miinto SE

Miinto SE


Currently no voucher code sites are allowed on the program. Miinto reserves the right to reject publishers and sales that come from voucher sites and are not in line with their brand.


Affiliates med følgende indhold optages ikke i vores partnerprogram:

  • SEM (miinto skal sættes som negativt keyword)
  • Det är inte tillåtet att promota rabattkoder som inte har skickats direkt via Awin's affiliate program. Detta inkluderar, men begränsar inte rabattkoder som har skickats via Miinto's egna nyhetsbrev. Försäljningar som har gjorts med en rabattkod från Miinto kommer att avvisas på en månadsbasis
  • Pop-up/Under, Site-Under eller Layer
  • Paid-Emailer og Forced Click systemer
  • Iframes (herunder Cookie-dropping)
  • Internet-crawl
  • Torrent traffik
  • Post-View
  • Pornografisk eller erotisk indhold
  • Diskriminering af personer eller befolkningsgrupper
  • Maskering eller ændring af link
  • Det er ikke tilladt at reklamere for offline værdikuponer eller rabatkoder
  • Ugyldige rabatkoder skal fjernes og må ikke kunne findes via søgemaskine

Commission model:

  • Default 6%
  • Bloggers 8%
  • Sales where an onsite voucher code is used 3% (this is as a result of the email sent out on 14th December 2020)

Currently no voucher code sites are allowed on the program. Miinto reserves the right to reject publishers that are not in line with their brand. 

Det är inte tillåtet att promota rabattkoder som inte har skickats direkt via Awin's affiliate program. Detta inkluderar, men begränsar inte rabattkoder som har skickats via Miinto's egna nyhetsbrev. Försäljningar som har gjorts med en rabattkod från Miinto kommer att avvisas på en månadsbasis


Influencers & Social Media

As a publisher, you are obliged to make it clear for consumers when your content contains advertising material. As an approved Awin Publisher you have agreed to follow local laws and standards as stipulated in section 9.2.4 and 9.2.5 of the publisher terms and conditions.

Recommendations listed by other industry sources within the Nordic region include the following:

  • You should make it clear in the top of your post (blog or social media) that the post includes advertisement
  • You may choose to use different fonts in order to highlight that the post includes advertisement
  • You may choose to use a specific background formatting in order to highlight a post including advertisement

We strongly urge you to read up on this topic to make sure that you are following the latest laws and standards as it is your responsibility to adhere to them. Below you can find websites with more information:






Google Shopping Publishers

Please be advised CSS Google Shopping activity can only be run with specific written permission from the client or the Awin account manager. If it is run without this permission, any sales tracked might be rejected.