HigherDOSE (US)

HigherDOSE (US)

Program Terms

Protected SEM Bidding Keywords

HigherDose, HigherDose.com, www.HigherDose.com

We do not allow trademark+ bidding, this includes language such as “HigherDose promo code”, “HigherDose coupon”, or any variation of. Any affiliate found doing this will have sales associated with this practice reversed and set to zero.

Prohibited SEM Display URL Content 

HigherDose.com, www.HigherDose.com

Direct linking (Use of Display URL) 


Special Instructions for Search Marketing Publishers 

Search Policy: We do not allow trademark bidding on HigherDose.com or any misspelling or derivative. Affiliates are prohibited from using our display URL www.HigherDose.com in any ad on any network. This includes all URLs listed under our "Prohibited SEM Display URL Content" in this policy. NOTE: Any publisher found violating our search policy will have sales associated with this practice reversed.