
Dalfilo is a direct-to-consumer digital brand that sells handmade Italian bed linen.


Attribution Period (Cookie Length)

30 Days

Terms of service


1.1 The purpose of these General Terms and Conditions is the on-line sale to Customers, through the website, of the products marked with the DALFILO brand owned by DALFILO Srl.

1.2 DALFILO Srl reserves the right to provide limitations on the maximum number or value of products that can be purchased.

1.3 Furthermore, DALFILO Srl reserves the right to apply to individual orders, in addition to these General Terms and Conditions, specific contractual provisions and sales conditions (also ‘Specific Conditions’), which will be expressly stated in the order summary and with the confirmation of the order will be considered approved by the Customer. In case of conflict, the provisions of the Specific Terms shall prevail over the General Terms.


2.1 The sales contracts for the products on the website are considered concluded when the purchase order made by the Customer is received by DALFILO Srl, according to the procedure indicated below, and the latter accepts it.

2.2 Furthermore, the Customer must approve these General Terms and Conditions during the purchase procedure, for the successful completion of the same, and is obliged to observe and respect them in their relations with DALFILO Srl.

2.3 DALFILO Srl invites the Customer to keep these General Terms and Conditions, once the on-line purchase procedure has been completed, already viewed and accepted during the conclusion of the contract.


3.1 The Customer purchases the product offered for sale by DALFILO Srl, the characteristics of which are indicated and illustrated in the relative descriptive and technical sheets, at the price indicated therein plus any delivery costs specified on the site.

3.2 The purchase must be made according to the instructions and procedures provided by DALFILO Srl on its website.

3.3 Before the purchase order is forwarded, the unit cost of each selected product is summarized, the total cost in the case of purchasing more than one product and any relative delivery costs.

3.4 Once the purchase order has been forwarded, the customer will receive an e-mail message from DALFILO Srl stating that the order has been received and containing information relating to the main characteristics of the goods purchased, a detailed indication of the price, any delivery costs, a reference to these General Terms and Conditions, as well as any Specific Purchase Conditions


4.1 The payment methods for products purchased through the website are as follows a) Paypal, to be made using the tools proposed on the website; b) Credit cards and prepaid cards, compatibly with what is indicated on the website and compatibly with the payment circuits accepted. c) Klarna

4.2 Under no circumstances shall products be delivered in advance, in the absence of payment for them.

4.3 The purchased goods shall be delivered by courier to the address specified by the Customer when placing the order. The relevant invoice will be made available to the Customer.

4.4 At the time of delivery, it is the Customer's responsibility to check that the Products delivered conform to what was ordered, that they do not have any defects, that the package is sealed and that it is not damaged. If this is not the case, the Customer shall report the fact to


5.1 the Customer has the right to withdraw from each Order, without any penalty and without specifying the reason, no later than 60 days from receipt of the product.

5.2 In the case of exercising the right of withdrawal, the Customer must inform DALFILO Srl of the decision to withdraw from the contract within the aforementioned 60 day period by means of an explicit declaration or by using the form in the following link:; the explicit declaration or, alternatively, the form duly filled out, must be sent to the e-mail address Once the withdrawal from the contract has been exercised, DALFILO Srl will send a confirmation e-mail to the Customer, containing instructions on how to return the product and how to book a courier collection.

5.3 The product must be returned in its original condition and packaging, in a perfectly clean condition, as well as with its documentation and any accessories. Damaged products or those showing signs of wear and tear will not be accepted, but only those kept in a normal state of preservation and/or stored with the use of normal diligence. Should this happen, DALFILO Srl reserves the right to withhold from the refund an amount corresponding to the decrease in value suffered by the goods.

5.4 In the case of a validly exercised withdrawal and the return of the product according to the methods described above, DALFILO Srl will re-credit the price paid by the Customer within 14 days from the communication of withdrawal, without prejudice to the right for DALFILO Srl to re-credit the amount only upon receipt of the goods or, alternatively, when the Customer has given proof of having shipped the goods; in the latter two cases, depending on which circumstance occurs first, DALFILO Srl will immediately refund the amount. As an alternative to the refund, and at the express request of the customer, DALFILO Srl will send the agreed replacement product within 14 days of the customer's request.

5.5 In the event that the Customer exercises the right of withdrawal in violation of the times and methods indicated in this article 5, DALFILO Srl will consider itself free not to accept the return of the product and not to credit the amounts.

5.6 The right of withdrawal is in any case excluded in the following cases - sale of made to measure or personalised goods


In the case of defective goods, the customer must report the defect within 2 months of its discovery by sending an email to requesting a replacement product or its repair. If it is not possible for Dalfilo Srl to replace the product or repair it, or if it cannot do so within a reasonable period of time, the customer may request a price reduction or termination of the contract. For anything not expressly regulated herein with regard to the legal warranty, please refer to the provisions of the Consumer Code and in any case of the law.


7.1 The website, the brand and all industrial and intellectual property is the exclusive property of DALFILO Srl. This includes - but is not limited to - all trademarks, trade names, illustrations, images, documentation, fonts, design, music, software, codes and format scripts, which are protected by current trademark laws and relevant international treaties.

7.2 The partial or total reproduction, on any type of medium, the use of the elements that make up the website and catalogue, their use, as well as their transfer to third parties, is prohibited. It is therefore prohibited to copy, disclose and modify the contents protected by copyright, registered trademarks or other intellectual and industrial property rights.


8.1 For all information on the use of personal data, please refer to the Privacy Policy of DALFILO Srl


9.1 DALFILO Srl reserves the right to make changes to these General Conditions at any time, giving notice to the Customer by publishing it on the website