Tower London NL

Tower London NL


Welcome to the TOWER London affiliate programme. As a TOWER affiliate, we ask that you read our T&C’s carefully. If you have any doubts on how to promote, please contact: 

General Promotions 

Please only promote current offers and pricing as provided by TOWER London. Any information linked to TOWER London must be correct. Regular miscommunication of pricing and offers will result in being removed from the programme. 


TOWER London’s default commission rate starts at 3% ranging upwards and is dependant on publisher type, which can vary by promotional method type. We do not authorise commission on orders purchased with pre-purchased gift cards. Whilst we are open to all partner types it must be completely clear as to how TOWER London must be promoted - you as the affiliate must be able to provide this as requested. See publisher types below: 

Content - 8%, 

Influencer - 8%, 

CSS/Shopping - 8%, 

Closed user group - 5%, 

Loyalty - 5%, 

Voucher - 3%, 

Cashback - 3%, 

Technology - 3%, 

Subnetwork - 3%. 

 In the event of technical disruption leading to untracked sales or commission, TOWER London would not be liable for this loss. We do not include VAT and shipping when calculating commission costs. 

Exclusive Promotions and Voucher codes reserves the right to add, amend, withdraw promotions as used by individual affiliates at any given time without the necessity to provide valid reason. We ask that you promote voucher codes intended for the affiliate channel provided, supplied by TOWER London’s affiliate team. Promoting voucher codes that are not intended for the affiliate channel may result in declined commissions. 


When referencing, we ask that you use the most current logo as seen on the network profile. For asset resizing queries, contact: 


For overarching enquiries, email TOWER London affiliate team:, 

For all other press enquiries, email TOWER London Press Office on 

Marking your Work with our Brand as Advertising. 

In becoming a representative for the TOWER London brand, it becomes your role to promote any codes by regulations that apply to affiliate marketing. 

Any aspect of activity as part of promoting the Affiliate programme must be marked as paid advertising as clearly as possible, using such labels as “#Ad”, “AD” or “Advertisement Feature” after or before captions or in-image copy. Should this not be upheld, you will be removed from the programme. 

Any paid content in promotion of TOWER London must be approved by, including copy, video, emails and creative. 

PPC & Landing Pages 

We do not allow brand bidding as standard on our programmes, we may occasionally work with a partner on a campaign basis but this activity must be pre-agreed and only run for the duration of the campaign. This activity will not be allowed on pure brand terms. Any partner found bidding on brand terms or brand plus voucher terms outside of an agreed activity with be issued a warning, should they be found bidding again they will be suspended from the programme and commissions declined. This includes but is not exhaustive of the following terms: 

TOWER London, 

TOWER London voucher, 

TOWER London code, 

TOWER London discount, 

TOWER London promo code, 

TOWER London coupon, 

TOWERLONDON code promo. 


Should any affiliates be found driving activity using unauthorised or unrecognised 3rd party apps, websites or otherwise imitating the TOWER London brand, removal from the programme may follow. 

Terms and Conditions 

Any specific terms relating to our programme, offers or brand must be clearly displayed to customers on your website, promotional content or social media. If you would like to work with us on a further or additional market, please sign up to each programme individually. Current markets include UK, DE and FR. 

Product Feeds & CSS Google Shopping 

Available via AWIN, The TOWER London Affiliate programme offers partner product lists updated daily. Unless you have stated in writing by TOWER London, CSS Google Shopping activity is not permitted. If you are a CSS partner, we would like to understand more about who you are and have an awareness that you are running CSS activity - please reach out to our team and disclose that you intend for CSS to be a means of promotion. 


Sub-networks must provide full visibility of partners proposing to join the programs and must not add new partners without TOWER London’s permission. Sub-networks must not work with social media/blog publishers or sites hosting user-generated content, without explicit permission from TOWER London and all partners operating under the network must be compliant to this criterion. Sub-networks must be able to switch off partners within 48 hours. 


TOWER London does not permit any programme affiliates to alter creative or text links available through the AWIN platform. Beyond that, TOWER London does not permit any affiliates to hardcode banners into the web platforms or sites, as updates via AWIN will not take immediate effect. 

Should you be found to infringe on this, your commissions may be reversed. TOWER London reserves the right to withhold during the infringement period, resulting in permanent suspension with repeat offences. 

Bespoke creative can be supplied on request to suit your platform, so please get in touch with for further support from our in-house experts. 

Email Marketing 

Prior to going live, we require that all email marketing must be signed off by TOWER London via: 

Toolbar Affiliates 

TOWER London does not accept or collaborate with any detail of toolbar affiliates.  

Affiliate Approvals 

Prior to collaboration, all affiliate sites are audited to ensure any brand compliance issues that may exist are met - to ensure that TOWER London’s image is not tainted. Any affiliates without a working URL will be rejected without hesitation. 


Within a 60-120 day period, TOWER London will validate all commissions and reserve the right to claim commission on returned goods. We ask that you take this into consideration when looking at payments for pending sales. 

Find reasons below for declined commission: 










Information regarding transaction queries - all transaction queries must be made via the AWIN platform within 2 months following the sale. Any queries made more than 2 months after the sale will be automatically declined. A continual failure to comply with any terms may result in the termination of any collaboration with TOWER London. 

Notice Periods 

TOWER London will give a minimum of 7 days notice where possible prior to any major changes to our ongoing affiliate relationships, however in exceptional circumstances changes may be made prior. It is the affiliate partners' responsibility to monitor automated AWIN emails for updates, as TOWER London may not contact you personally. 

Performance Benchmarks 

TOWER London values relationships with affiliates who promote their brands to their optimal capacity, we reserve the right to remove any under-performing affiliate due to a lack of capacity.