Maze Mortgages

Maze Mortgages

Terms and Conditions

Maze Mortgage campaign is targeted for cashback and loyalty/membership programs.

Commissions earned will be based on the size of the loan and paid on completion of the mortgage. See below for an example, these figures are negotiable.


Mortgage Loan RangeCashback to CustomerCommission Per Paid Mortgage
1500000 - 1990000£1,000£70
1000000 - 1490000£950£60
900000 - 999999£850£60
800000 - 899999£750£50
700000 - 799999£650£50
600000 - 699999£550£40
500000 - 599999£450£40
400000 - 499999£350£35
300000 - 399999£325£35
250000 - 299999£250£30
225000 - 249999£225£30
200000 - 224999£150£25
175000 - 199999£135£25
150000 - 174999£125£20
125000 -149999£120£20