Yves Rocher SE

Yves Rocher SE


-Validation and payment time

Sales from the affiliate program will be reviewed and processed (going from pending to confirmed and/or canceled) between 45 and 60 days from the date of registration of the transactions on the platform. The payment time to the Awin network is 60 days from receipt of the invoice by Yves Rocher.


Duration of cookies

30 days post-click.


Reasons for canceling a transaction

  • With the cancellation of a sale, you will receive the reason for the rejection, however, you must keep in mind that a sale can be canceled by:
  • Order completely canceled.
  • Order partially canceled; The amount of the commission will be corrected.
  • Order returned by the user.
  • Fraudulent order.
  • Order assigned to other channels.
  • Application of non-authorized offer code or private offer


Program restrictions

  • Please carefully review our tems and conditions. In that section we summarize the most important things:
  • Bidding on brand name, misspellings, brand+generic  is not permitted on any search engine. Make sure that before starting the program, you negative our keywords in both broad and exact match.
  • Affiliates cannot have the Yves Rocher brand name on their domain or create a website that resembles Yves Rocher. The affiliate cannot try in any way to impersonate another affiliate, nor can they carry out activities that may intervene in the correct allocation of commissions such as site under, pop-ups, pop-under, cookie dropping among other activities such as Toolbars, extensions, software. malicious
  • It is not permitted to post content about Yves Rocher or any of its products where information is provided to the user that is in any way misleading or false.
  • Claims for untracked sales are not accepted once the sales of the corresponding month have been validated.
  • Affiliates cannot promote discount coupons or offers to which they have not been given access through Awin.
  • Each coupon must be approved/reviewed and shared with the specific affiliate via email/phone by the Yves Rocher and/or Awin team.
  • Affiliates should avoid competing in SEO for keywords that are strategic for the brand.
  • If you promote the brand through email marketing, you must strictly comply with the current data protection policy and must not imply to the user that it is Yves Rocher who is sending the email.
  • You cannot in any way try to force a click either through a banner or through a call to action that is “Deceptive or not transparent” for the end user.
  • Affiliates cannot transfer their links to a third party without informing them and having express authorization from the advertiser. In the case of sub-networks, Yves Rocher will require visibility and approval on the sub-network's affiliate base.
  • In the event of any necessary change in the content, whether in the image or the copy, you must respond quickly and never more than 24 hours if the change is urgent (indicated in the subject).
  • Affiliates cannot alter the pieces (banners) without first consulting with the advertiser to obtain their express authorization.
  • Affiliates must use the links appropriately, respecting the parameters defined by Yves Rocher and as obtained from Awin tools. Under no circumstances should affiliates alter redirects or change defined parameters.
  • Affiliates are not allowed to make "auto-purchases" to receive a commission. A self-purchase is an order that the affiliate places for himself or his company. These sales may be cancelled.



  • You must review the terms and conditions to know what the applicable sanctions are, however, in case of violation of the terms the sanctions contemplated are:
  • Expulsion from the program with immediate effect.
  • Cancellation of sales in open status in the program.
  • Refund of commissions by the affiliate (if they have been generated fraudulently).
  • Compensation in case of serious damage caused to the brand.
  • Permanently expelled from the Awin network.


Please refer to Awin's code of conduct along with Yves Rocher's terms and conditions as they are also applicable.