
Established in 2007 in the U.K, Glamorous has experienced phenomenal growth becoming one of the leading womenswear brands, both in the UK and internationally. Our roots may be British, but today we’re truly a global brand.


Attribution Period (Cookie Length)

30 Days

Glamorous will pay 5% commission on all full price sales generated through it's affiliate programme. 

Terms & Conditions 

  • Only official discounts and vouchers communicated by the internal Affiliate Program Manager may be promoted by an affiliate.
  • Discounts and Vouchers may not be promoted as being eligible to be combined with another form of discount, voucher or cashback unless explicitly stated by us.
  • Expired discounts and vouchers must be removed from your website upon the day of expiry.
  • Expired discounts and vouchers must not be communicated in any means or form to consumers.

Glamorous reserves the right to decline any sales that have been tracked with an unauthorised voucher code whether this code was promoted on the site or not.

De-duplication Policy

  • Please be advised that we do not pay commissions on sales attributed to any paid search marketing or PPC.

All affiliate sales are de-duplicated against other online advertising channels

De-duplication channels include:

  • Non PPC Brand
  • Email Advertising 
  • PPC brand
  • Display advertisement
  • Google Shopping

Breach of terms

  • Glamorous reserve the right to withhold commission payments to any affiliate found to be in breach of these terms.