

Terms and Conditions

EQVVS will only work on a Post Click basis. Affiliates are only permitted to use voucher codes that are exclusively assigned to them, unless a generic public discount code has been issued across the programme. If a voucher code has been supplied to a specific Affiliate, any sales attributed to another Affiliate using this voucher code may not be approved and commission will therefore be withheld. We do not provide cashback on the following brands: New Balance and Aquascutum. Cashback will not be provided to orders that have also applied a discount code or orders that use a gift card.

Commission will not be paid on sales where a code has been used that was not directly supplied to affiliates, this includes voucher codes that are sent to the EQVVS email database and social channels. For vouchers codes to be valid, they must be supplied through our offers listings page or exclusively. We will not pay commission on the redemption of gift vouchers or evouchers on our site.

Commission will not be paid on sales that are returned, cancelled, voided, tested, or refunded. 

PPC - General Terms

EQVVS welcome applications from PPC affiliates. However all affiliates must adhere to our PPC policy:

PPC bidding for affiliates on our programme is not allowed.

  • Failure to end ppc activity will result in unpaid commissions and possible suspension from our programme. If you feel that ppc bidding is required for your success, please get in touch.
  • Unless explicit permission has been given no affiliate is allowed to perform direct linking PPC activity to the eqvvs.co.uk website.
  • Affiliates also must NOT send traffic through automatic redirects on a website page.
  • Affiliates are encouraged to promote EQVVS through the use of generic keywords.
  • We would like to remind you of the dangers of Google's extended/expanded broad match functionality and request all of our publishers to add the term ‘Eqvvs’ as a negative keyword on all campaigns in order to negate the risk of appearing on ‘Eqvvs’ brand terms.
  • NO typosquatting allowed.
  • Please be aware that we carefully monitor paid for search on all competitive keywords and ask for your assistance in this process. Any affiliates found to be bidding on brand terms will be removed from the program and their commissions reversed. For more information, or further clarification please contact us.