Laptops Direct

Laptops Direct

Terms and Conditions

Voucher Codes:

LaptopsDirect may occasionally issue promotion or voucher codes to encourage purchases. Affiliates should promote only those voucher codes officially communicated through the Affiliate Program. LaptopsDirect has the authority to withhold commission payments if affiliates use unauthorised voucher codes.

The terms and conditions for voucher codes set by LaptopsDirect must be prominently displayed on the affiliate's site. Any voucher codes that have an expiry date should have this date clearly indicated, and such codes must be removed or clearly marked as expired after this date. LaptopsDirect reserves the right to withhold commission from any affiliate who promotes unauthorised codes or fails to display the T’s&C’s until this is rectified.

Affiliates are expected to follow the best practice guidelines for voucher codes as established from time to time (including, but not limited to, those issued by the Internet Advertising Bureau UK).


Cashback Transaction Inquiries:

Customers are advised to submit cashback inquiries within 90 days from the date of an untracked sale and within 90 days from validation for tracked sales to ensure efficient processing.



Sub-Networks must use the AWIN tracking parameter for tracking traffic and sales/leads to the Awin network, and the URL field must be used to inform Awin of the sub-publisher URL responsible for the sale/lead.

Non-compliance may result in the loss of commissions.


Paid Advertising Restrictions:

Affiliates are prohibited from using paid search advertising to bid on keywords that include:

Brand terms: “Appliances Direct”, “Laptops Direct”, “Furniture123”, “Better Bathrooms”, “Drones Direct”, “Servers Direct”, Aircon Direct”, “Buy it Direct IE” 

Misspellings: any variations, misspellings, or similar phrases with or without spaces and any specific voucher codes.

Own Brands “electriQ”, “Boss Grill”

These keywords must be negatively matched in all paid search campaigns.



Cashback or loyalty incentives are not applicable for purchases intended for resale or business purposes.


Creative/Content/Property Rights:

Affiliates must not alter any creative or text links provided through the Awin interface unless expressly approved by the LaptopsDirect team.

LaptopsDirect grants affiliates a personal, non-transferable, royalty-free, non-exclusive license to use LaptopsDirect content solely for displaying links. Any further use of LaptopsDirect content or intellectual property requires prior written consent.

Affiliates must not engage in any activity with LaptopsDirect content or intellectual property that could negatively impact its value or validity.