Program Terms

Terms and Conditions

In order to be accepted by DJI for the affiliate program, it's important for affiliates to understand the terms and conditions that they need to agree with. These terms and conditions are as follows:

  • Commissions can be changed at any time and the rate of commission is up to the discretion of DJI. Any affiliates who are found to be fraudulent or gained commissions fraudulently could be subject to legal action and be removed from the program
  • If you decide to leave the affiliate program, you must remove the advertising graphics from your website.
  • The affiliate website should not promote any illegal activity nor should it copy DJI' website.
  • Affiliate website will be subject to ensure accuracy.
  • Commission payment on pre-orders will have a longer validation period and can take up to 60 days
  • We will actively screen affiliates who send poor quality traffic to us. We reserve the right to remove these affiliates.
  • Affiliates must consent that no fees or payments will be made to any customers who are referred to DJI.
  • We do not allow Pay Per Click promotion
  • We do not pay out commissions on orders that use coupon codes.
  • Affiliates should not be involved or charged with fraud or dishonesty.
  • DJI rewards affiliates on the last click basis.
  • DJI reserves the right to remove affiliates who are in breach of their rules.
  • DJI will not be responsible for any loss or damages arising from affiliate's respective actions.
  • Affiliates are prohibited from bidding on DJI brand terms on Bing, Google or Yahoo! or other search engines.
  • Affiliates cannot use the official URL of the company,
  • Affiliates must have permission from DJI to use branded URLs.
  • Affiliates are not allowed to use the term 'official' in any search content on their website.
  • DJI reserves the right to amend, modify or change any of the terms and conditions at any time and without prior notice by posting the amended terms on this Website. The amended terms shall automatically be effective upon posting on our Website and by any continued access of our Website and/or making use of the services provided, you shall be deemed to have accepted these revised terms. You should therefore review these Terms and Conditions from time to time so that you will be aware of such amendments, modifications or change.

How banner advertising works for affiliates

  • Banners that are provided by DJI can be used for affiliate advertising.
  • If DJI requests removal, affiliates must comply with removing their banners. This must be done in 5 working days.
  • Banners should not be altered in any way when they are uploaded onto affiliate websites.
  • No banners from DJI should be used on any other websites.
  • Banners are the property of DJI.

How email advertising works for affiliates

  • Email advertising copy can be supplied by DJI or made by yourself but it must be signed off by DJI.
  • Email advertising graphics must be used without alteration or deletion of pictures or text.
  • No DJI emails should be sent or used to potential customers on other websites.
  • Affiliates must include an unsubscribe link and have a link to the privacy policy.

This information pack explains what you need to know as an affiliate and how you can grow your website's success through commissions as a DJI' affiliate.

More information: Privacy Policy | Terms of Use | DJI Store